-'✮'- Chapter 3 : Feya -'✮'-

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A repetitive blaring noise punctures my ears as my alarm goes off. I slowly and begrudgingly open my eyes to see Mister Kitty's tail tickling my nose as he's cuddled up on my neck. Internally awestruck by his soft figure, I move him to comfortably lay on my pillow.

Well, at least someone here is peacefully undisturbed.

I've always genuinely despised mornings. I hate waking up, and I hate getting woken up. Besides, I'm not a hateful person whatsoever, so you know this is a very serious matter. Finally, after a good five minutes of contemplating whether missing my shift and going back to sleep would be worth it or not, I swing my legs to the side of my queen bed and get up, deciding to be a responsible person today, even through the exhaustion.

Following my everyday routine, I reluctantly start to get ready. My feet patter across the creaky hardwood floor on my way to the bathroom while I rub the sleep away from my eyes. In the small bathroom, I do my business, brush my teeth, and start my skincare. To be honest, there's not much to it except washing my face and applying my moisturizer and sunscreen. I don't really see the point of using a thousand products that cost my entire paycheck when these three have never failed me.

As I start lathering on my sunscreen, I look at myself in the mirror, and my attention gets caught on my differently coloured eyes.

Having heterochromia used to bother me when I was a kid, mainly because of my classmates who liked to bully me, but once I grew up, I realized it's what makes me different in this world full of people who all strive to look like carbon copies of each other. Plus, it's kind of cool having my right eye be dark blue and the other a very light blue nearing white. Layla often says it makes me look like a mermaid, which always manages to put a smile on my face. It took a while to start to love myself, but I now appreciate my features, including my smooth, pale skin.

My whole family is incredibly tan all year round, considering we're Puerto Rican, and I was relentlessly picked on (mostly by my mother), but again, I've learned to love my unique traits. No one looks like me, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Anyway, I tan quickly, so I'm only this pale for half of the year. I'll go back to looking like a yummy caramel goody in no time.

To avoid bothering me during the day, I put my thick brown wavy hair into a messy ponytail and make my way to leave the bathroom.

Wait, should I put mascara on?

"Nah, can't be bothered to." I mumble to myself.

In an attempt to seem a bit more put together, I like to occasionally put some makeup on, but I'm currently too worn out to put in the effort.

It's been a few days since I had to give my mother a big chunk of my paycheck, so I've picked up more shifts this week. Working at the café during the day and studying at night is clearly catching up to me.

I start to drag my feet, back slumped and eyes barely open, through the small hallway and into my room to pick out my outfit for the day. Today I decided on a sleek black long-sleeve shirt that I tucked into my favorite pair of black baggy jeans, since it's starting to get a little cold as October quickly approaches. Mr. Kitty clearly approves of my outfit, seeing as he's purring while twirling around my legs. As I bend down to pet him once, seeing his fluffy figure reminds me to make sure that I fill up his water and food bowl before leaving for the day. 

While I exit my small walk-in closet, I slightly turn my head, attention caught, to see the slight beams of sunlight peeking through my sheer curtains, creating a beautiful glow that lightens my sour mood. Albeit, only a tiny bit, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

I genuinely dislike being irritated in the mornings; negativity is not my forte. I prefer spreading positivity. God knows this world is already too gloomy. Leaping onto one foot and attempting to balance while putting on my socks, I head to the kitchen to grab the cat food before making my way to the adjoining small yet cozy living room to fill up Kitty's bowl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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