"Ha, are there any? The ones i've met are not suited to defend my honor"

"Hm, have you tried contacting the Spina di Rosula?"
she suggests

"I don't have such connections to reach an organization like that.. do you?"

"Well, I know the current president personally but-"

"Wait- could you put in a word for me? That would honestly provide me a better chance than the actual justice system"

her face falters to an awkward expression
"It might not be appropriate of me to ask given I'm not on the best terms with the president."

your face falls to disappointment

"However, given the commotion this case has caused, if your trial arises enough skepticism or unanswered questions then she'll likely look into it"

"Helping me after my trial is a bit..."

"Justice isn't always timely and for some it's completely absent"

her words did not provide you any comfort
"How did you end up on rough terms with the president?"

she pauses, it seemed to be a sensitive question
"There is ugliness to my occupation, anyone willing to fight for their pride- innocent or not tend to meet a grave fate. I've slain important figures, you can't attach much sentiment to this job"

Your brows furrow at the explanation that gave your innocent sparring from earlier a darker context. The others must have thought it was ironic of you to challenge a champion duelist given your status as the suspect of a serious crime awaiting trial. However her boundary between personal sentiment and work reminded you of Neuvillette's sturdy impartiality. But, how could you not attach vunerable feelings with how close you've gotten to him only to feel most alone and misunderstood.

With the trial approaching soon, you would finally be allowed back into bright world you have almost forgotten due to spending too much time down at the fortress. The reunion wouldn't be as pleasant at the Opera Epiclese- a place of preformance and 'justice'. Just the mere thought of having to stand in the defendent's balacony against the Hydro archon as plantiff with the final verdict being announced by the Iudex himself felt jarring. This was most definitely not the type of scenario you'd ever imagine yourself to be in, especially with how helpful to the community you have been all this.


Despite his title as cheif justice, Neuvillette far from this omniscient figure others make him out to be. Fontaine's justice system is peculiar but he is to respectfully honor the verdict provided by the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale regardless of personal opinion. The Oratrice itself is a mysterious yet trusted mechanism, having provided accurate judgement thus far. However it seems to utilizes the belief of spectators, scales weighing down dependent on the arguments provided.

This solidifies the need for a defendent to have a proper lawyer, especially against plantiffs like Furina. As archon of justice her words hold eloquent power but her innate desire for excitement often dramatizes the event in which he must ensure she does lose professionalism to the thrill.

It concerning how suspicious things seem to your disfavor, the investigation providing further ammunition against you- making the claims harder to deny. If you are unable to represent yourself clear of suspicion without reasonable explanation to the allegations then you might as well admit to guilt. However if you insist innocence then undeniable proof is needed to testify, it must be something credible. Either way the judgement will be bestowed by the Oratrice and it will reveal the proper outcome to be followed.

These days he spends much time in his office, reviewing all findings and statements provided from the investigation. He can only put off the trial for so long until Furina show impatience and eagerness to begin. Wriothesley is vague in his reports but it seem life in the fortress is not easy to adjust, hopefully you remained focus on the task at hand which is proper defense.

"Ohoho, you brood too much Neuvillette"
the archon waltz in flamboyantly

"This case has been rather consuming"

"The people have been waiting, interest dies too easily if we let such a trial expire. It would look neglectful on our part to wait any longer"
her eyes narrow at him, in subtle examination

"These kinds of things shouldn't be rushed, thus you and the defendent have enough time to prepare and avoid looking foolish"

"Aha, emotions are a pesky thing- I wouldn't want denial to interfere"

"I understand your concern in my personal affairs however I intend to remain professional, I recommend you do the same."
he warns her not to cross any boundaries

She prevents herself from pressing any further into his personal life to avoid a stern lecture she has no interest in. He may reserve his thoughts and biases all he wants to appear professional but she knows he isn't heartless. Nope! She is well aware of how this case deeply preturbs him. That however provides her with unease, as a figure of authority she has a reputation to maintain herself. While the evidence pointing to you allows her to feel confident and certain to stand up there and preform- it would be most humilating to be proven wrong.

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