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TW: graphic depiction of domestic abuse

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TW: graphic depiction of domestic abuse

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My heart pounded erratically in my chest, my palms clammy with nerves as I sat opposite Mr. Smith, Daniel's brother-in-law who was an attorney.

After hearing I needed legal advice for an undisclosed issue but not having the money to pay for an attorney, Daniel had driven me here after work; apparently his sister's husband was really good and would offer advice at a discounted price specifically for me.

Mr Smith's office, a stark yet imposing space, was bathed in the sterile glow of fluorescent lights, casting harsh shadows across the sleek, modern furniture and rows of legal binders neatly arranged on the shelves.

Mr. Smith, a dark skin middle-aged man with a no-nonsense demeanor and a sharp gaze, sat behind his desk, his expression a mix of professionalism and concern.

He listened intently as I spilled out the sordid details of my ex-husband's deceit and manipulation, each word feeling like a weight lifted off my chest yet adding to the burden of my fears.

"I don't really know what to do, he's kind of taking over my life," I confessed, my voice trembling with apprehension as I laid bare the tangled mess of lies and betrayal that had become my reality.

Mr. Smith leaned forward, his brow furrowing in concentration as he processed the gravity of my situation. "So what I'm getting is Mr. Jefferson has been forging your marriage documents to claim benefits and insurance in your name without your consent," he summarized, his tone matter-of-fact yet tinged with sympathy.

"He's even made you pay for his health insurance, without your consent. And because of this forged marriage, he now holds a legal claim to half of your house property and your salon. If you file for divorce, he'll likely contest ownership of the house and seek custody of your daughter. Meanwhile, he's taken both of your kids on vacation to his home in Atlanta and blackmailing you to continue paying the insurance. If you don't continue you funding him, you feel like he'll hurt your kids, in spite of you? Is that accurate?"

I nodded, my throat tight with emotion. "Yes, that's correct," I confirmed, my legs trembling beneath the table, a physical manifestation of the turmoil raging within me.

"Has he ever hurt your children before?" Mr Smith asked. "Are they in imminent harm?"

"He's never hurt them. Not that I know of." I murmured. "My son is 20– I don't think Robert would physically harm them. I'm more concerned with the emotional harm he could do."

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