Interest In Emotions

Start from the beginning

Shiori's eyes began to glow with excitement. "Amelia Watson!" She shouted

"Eww-a woman" Amelia-senpai said she got an evil look from Gura-senpai after

"What does my senpai want from me?" Shiori asked like a mentally insane fan.

"To keep you in prison?" Amelia-senpai said quietly:

"No, I can't do at all-I'm going to kidnap you and do whatever I want to you, just like in my self-inserted-I can't wait to see you squirm under me and make you beg for more~" Shiori ranted

"I don't want to fight this girl!" Amelia-senpai whined

The blue-haired girl with them laughed and said, "Okay, well, Fauna and I already called the shortie, so..."

"Ah, well, you see, I have to go back to my cell." I said

"Bijou, stop cowering and fight the senpai so I can have my Watson." Shiori said

The blue-haired girl laughed forward and slashed at me, her blades getting blocked by my body's natural hardness.

"Oh, I guess I am strong!" I laughed

Vines wrapped around me and began to squeeze me, seemingly trying to crush my bones, but since I'm a Jewl, I don't have bones in my body, just rocks and stones. Same thing, really.

"So-is this the moment where I attack?" I questioned Shiori glared at me since it was obvious that it was a fight.

I wound my arm back, punching Kronii-senpai in the face, but she tanked it, carving into my face with her blade. I felt blood begin to run down my cheek. "Blood?" I questioned.

As I was distracted, I was kicked in the stomach and sent flying back. As I landed on my feet and was dragged to the ground, tentacles slammed into me. My body cracked with each hit and began to bleed.

"How can I bleed?" I questioned

"The almighty power of council, and I guess Ina..." Fauna said

Ina, you should probably go help Ame and Gura since Faufau, Kronini, and I will be enough." Sana said

"But the two-colored-hair girl seems really weak." Ina claimed

"Don't underestimate me, senpai." Shiori growled

Not even a second later, Shiori was hit with a tentacle and sent flying. Neither of us saw the attack coming. How do we fight this girl?

Sana-senpai kicked me in the back and said, "Pay attention!" Kronii-senpai yelled as she slashed me. More blood spewed out of my body.

"Aurgh. As soon as I achieve any semblance of freedom, you gods come and ruin it!" I cried

Well, we are concepts, technically not gods, but we were made by them, so in a way, that does make us like them, I guess," Fauna-senpai said.

"That doesn't help your case!" I said

"Does it need to?" Kronii asked

Shiori stumbled out of the rubble, clutching her arm and feeling blood leak down her face rapidly. "It doesn't matter, Biboo..." She panted

"Biboo?" I was confused by the nickname.

I can't focus if Shiori keeps saying stuff like that and giving me a cute nickname all of a sudden.

"Do you think the others will fair well against the other escapees?" Watson-senpai asked

Shiori and I looked at each other, confused by what was just said. We didn't let anyone else out, so who else escaped other than us? We did need power, so maybe we need to meet up with them.

"Let's escape Biboo~" Shiori said in a cute manner

"You are going to enchant me, stop!" I whined

"We can't let you get out, but if you turn around, we can shorten your sentences tenfold!" Sana-senpai explained

"No-we want out now!" Shiori hissed as if she were a child throwing a tantrum.

"Then we need to fight," Ina replied.

I don't think we can escape this scenario. Our senpai are too strong, and we are weakened in this prison, so we definitely can't fight. So what are we even doing here right now other than trying not to lose it right here and now?

The three girls all attacked me, and as I dodged, I looked at Shiori, who was charging at her three opponents, only for Ina-senpai to just bat her around with her tentacles still distracted. Shiori and I were knocked out of the room entirely and back to the bottom floor.

"Biboo-let's escape while we can."

I looked over at Shiori like she was crazy, but I saw she was crawling in another direction. Since we can't fight out the senpai yet, escaping another way may be our best bet right now.

I levitated towards Shiori, picking her up, and before I could float away with her, Gura-senpai smashed down from the ceiling and slammed into both of us.

"Gyaaaaa..." we both writhed in unison as we hit the pavement below. I felt my body shatter and crack more and more, and blood oozed out of Shiori.

Gura stepped off of us to let the others descend and to check to see if we were even still breathing.

"Senpai-you really want me, huh?" Shiori wheezed as she got back to her feet. Her resilience surprised me.

She threw blood at all their eyes and lunged forward at Amelia-senpai, only to be paused in midair with the blood.

"You didn't have to do that, Kronii-I had it!" Amelia-senpai pouted

Kronii sighed in anger. "You are just a human that is pretending to be God; you shouldn't have those powers." She grimaced

"I-I can't move!" Shiori yelled

"What did you do to her?" I asked

"We paused her in time; we'll contain you both and then move on to the others." Kronii-senpai explained

I grinded my teeth together and saw my jaw turn red as my anger grew more and more. I decided to use this and lifted the broken ground up, launching it at them despite being able to block it. The rubble gave me a moment to grab Shiori and use the ground to launch forward.

Only what we didn't know is that Amelia-senpai was already in front of us when she slashed us both, and that is the last thing I remember as everything went dark.

"What do you want me to remember?" I ask

"How you felt..." She said

"How I felt?" I question

"I'll he back soon..." She told me

Mumei left with Zeta leaving me with Nerissa silently

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