Chapter 19

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Chat noir and Ladybug bounced around and ran across the rooftops toward Marinette's house. Ladybug gave Chat noir the miracle box and instructed him to place it on her bed while she made her way inside the house. Just before they arrived at her house, he watched her go into an alley. A bright flash of light shined and he smiled, watching her run into the bakery and he jumped on top of the roof. He opened the latch and made his way down the ladder, landing on her bed.

He heard muffled voices below him and then footsteps coming up that made his heart start to thump faster. The door opened and there stood Tom.

"Ah! He is here. I thought I heard a thump. You're just in time! Come down, dinner is ready." Tom smiled.

Chat noir smiled and nodded, hopping down and passed Tom going down the stairs. He saw Marinette helping set the table and indeed there were four bowls placed. Tom put his arm around Chat noir's shoulder and leaned down to Chat noir's ear.

"Don't be staring at my daughter like that. She has a boyfriend already." Tom laughed, making Chat noir blushed and got visibly nervous.

"I-I wasn't staring! I know she has a boyfriend." He said, rubbing the back of his neck, causing Marinette to turn to look at him with a soft smile.

"Alright you two, come eat. Stop picking on Chat noir, dear." Sabine chuckled.

"Ok, ok." Tom laughed, walking and taking a seat beside Sabine at the dinner table.

Marinette slid in and sat down at the table across from her mother and turned to Chat noir. He swallowed and took a seat beside her, noticing that she was acting normal to say the least.

"So, you know Marinette has a boyfriend?" Tom asked.

"Uh... yeah! I do." Chat replied nervously, hoping Tom wouldn't pry but knew that was in vain.

"You know it's that Agreste boy right? Adrien." Tom said, eating a bite of food off of his plate.

Chat looked at Sabine's face and saw she was displeased with the conversation topic but didn't say anything to him except a sharp look that told him to change the topic.

"Umm... what do you think of Adrien?" Chat said, hoping that it would help Tom a little with his wife's strict glare.

"Hm... I like the boy. He's a nice kid. He... just has a lot he's dealing with." Tom said.

"Dealing with?" Chat asked.

"You know, his father being Hawkmoth and all. He was going to have to move but his aunt and cousin decided to stay. His life is just extremely complicated. I'm glad Marinette is in his life. She is such a sweet girl, she will cheer him up and help him through it." Tom smiled, looking over at his daughter.

"Dad... Why don't you go get dessert?" Marinette smiled, seeing how the conversation affected Chat noir.

"Uh.. it's alright. I'm going to skip dessert if you don't mind. Thank you for the delicious meal Mr. and Mrs. Dupain Cheng, if you'll excuse me." Chat said, sliding out from the table and walking up to her bedroom.

"Tom! Did you say something to upset him?" Sabine questioned.

"Adrien said he was his friend. I assumed he knew all of that." Tom said, confused.

Marinette frowned as she watched him disappear upstairs. How could her parents know that Chat noir was Adrien? They basically reopened the wounds that he was probably pushing deep down and didn't want to think about.

"Thank you for dinner, I'm going upstairs. We're gonna watch a movie or something and I'll see what's wrong." Marinette said.

"Alright dear, sorry about upsetting your friend." Sabine said.

Thunderstorms Series: Part 3 (Drenched)Where stories live. Discover now