Chapter 12

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"So why can't I help?" Felix groaned.

"Well... I have Tikki." Marinette began, sitting down on the floor as she grabbed a blanket near her and wrapped it around herself.

"I have Plagg." Adrien said, sitting down beside her on the floor as he took another pastry.

"Yeah, yeah, I know that already." Felix said, taking a bite of his pastry finally as he sat down on the floor as well.

Marinette sighed and looked to Adrien. She knew that Felix knowing their identities was already a risk. There was also another thing they were avoiding... Master Fu. Tikki and Plagg flew out and landed in front of them.

Tikki looked up at Felix and gave a less than happy expression.

"Marinette..." She began.

"I know..." Marinette sighed, covering her face with the blanket.

"It's my fault Tikki." Adrien confessed, seeing Tikki turn to Adrien.

"The kid left his bedroom door unlocked by accident. Felix came to apologize and... poof. He detransformed and BAM... Everything went downhill from there." Plagg said.

Tikki sighed, turning to Felix.

"So you're Ladybug's Kwami... Sugarcube... was it?" He said.

"Tikki! My name is Tikki. Not Sugarcube." She stated, turning her attention to Plagg who was snickering on the side.

"Aww come on Sugarcube. That's a pretty cute nickname." He smiled.

"Ugh... Anyways... We need to tell Master Fu." Tikki sighed.

"Do we have to?" Adrien said. "We aren't hurting anyone?"

"What if Felix tells someone?" Tikki sighed.

"Are you accusing me of breaking my word, bug?" He leaned down glaring.

"Uh... no!" Tikki laughed nervously, trying not to anger him.

"Calm down all of you." Marinette interjected, scooping Tikki up in her hands.

"I agree with Tikki." Marinette spoke up.

"Thank you Marinette." Tikki smiled.

"Well... I agree with Tikki... but... I don't think we should tell him...yet. Felix has kept his word... shouldn't we trust him? He could be a great Ally." Marinette said.

"But Marinette!" Tikki began.

"Sugarcube... come on... Felix is Adrien's family. He's been through so much. Don't take the kid from me." Plagg frowned.

"Ugh... you're really playing the guilt card on me Plagg?" Tikki groaned, seeing Plagg give her the sad cat eyes.

"Ugh... fine. I don't agree with this... but I will go along with it." Tikki said.

"Thank you Tikki." Marinette smiled, hugging her.

"Just... take responsibility for your actions." Tikki said.

"Always Tikki." Marinette said.

"We will. We promise." Adrien smiled.

"Alright boy. You know what I get." Plagg smirked.

"Alright alright." Adrien rolled his eyes, searching in his shirt pocket.

"What are you searching for?" Felix asked, confused.

"This! Ahhh sweet sweet Camembert" Plagg said, taking the piece of cheese that Adrien had pulled from his shirt pocket.

"...Why do you have that in there...?" Felix asked, a little weirded out and concerned.

Thunderstorms Series: Part 3 (Drenched)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα