Chapter 9

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"Adrien?" Felix knocked on the door.

Felix leaned in and put his ear against the door, but didn't hear anything. Felix opened the door and peeped his head inside and saw the light was turned off. He opened the door all the way and walked inside, closing the door behind him. He walked to Adrien's bed, thinking he might be asleep, and tried to be as quiet as possible, just in case. When he walked over to the bed, he saw that it was empty.

"I could have sworn I heard a noise in here..." Felix sighed, but then a creak from the window being pushed open startled him, causing him to hold his breath.

"Plagg, claws in." Adrien said, a bright flash of green illuminating the room for a split second.

"Ugh... next time I'll go straight home. Taking the long way around and getting stopped by all of those reporters wasted so much time." Adrien said, getting ready to walk to his bed but saw Felix standing near his bed.

"F-Felix!?" He said wide-eyed.

"A-Adrien?!" Felix said, his mouth open in shock.

"What are you doing in my room?! How long have you been there? What all did you see... I mean... Hey... what's up?" He smiled sheepishly.

"You're... Chat noir...?" He said, still in shock.

"Uhhh... no...?" Adrien said, unconvincingly.

"You're... Chat noir! You picked me up and you were going to break my phone earlier weren't you! You were pretending! Does Marinette know you're Chat noir?! Does Ladybug know you're Chat noir?!" Felix said, almost as if his brain couldn't handle it and had to sit on the bed.

Adrien sighed and went to sit down beside Felix.

"Guess... the cat is out of the bag... huh?" Adrien smiled awkwardly, seeing Felix give him an unenthused eye-roll at his cat joke.

"Explain. Now." Felix demanded, sitting back on Adrien's bed.

Adrien laid on his back and stared at the ceiling, knowing that Ladybug was going to be extremely upset with him, but what was he to do? He was caught after all. There was no getting out of it now.

"Adrien explain. Now." Felix said, glaring at him.

"Alright, alright... calm down." Adrien sighed.

Adrien opened his jacket and let Plagg fly out. He saw Felix's eyes widen even more.

"W-what is that?!" Felix said, sitting back.

"I'm a Kwami. Adrien... You know Ladybug isn't going to be happy about him knowing, especially Sugarcube." Plagg said, floating over to the cabinet to grab some cheese.

"Kwami...? Sugarcube? Cheese?"

"His name is Plagg. He is my Kwami. He basically gets sucked into my miraculous to make me Chat noir. Sugar cube... is Tikki, Ladybug's Kwami. That is Plagg's nickname for her. I... don't exactly know their relationship... either." Adrien said, glancing over to Plagg shoving cheese in his mouth.

"So your father was Hawkmoth and you're Chat noir? Did you know?" Felix asked.

"No. I didn't... The police found out before I even knew." Adrien sighed.

Felix could tell Adrien wasn't too comfortable talking about it so he decided to stop.

"So... Does Marinette know you're Chat noir?" Felix asked.

"Uh..." Adrien began, unsure what he should say.

"Well? Does she?"

"No." He said.

"Hm... You're such a terrible liar." Felix said, staring at him.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Adrien said, a little offended.

"You're lying and I can tell. We grew up together, I know when you're lying. You're too much of a goody-two-shoes to lie. Well... at least be good at it." Felix laughed.

"So Marinette knows. Is that why she was fine with you cheating on her?" Felix rolled his eyes.

"She!- Why is our relationship any of your business?" Adrien glared.

"You're right. It isn't. Though... Your secret identity is now my business. So why don't you tell me everything unless you want me to expose it?" Felix smiled.

"You wouldn't," Adrien said.

"Don't test me, Adrien. I may have grown older and matured but I have kept my same personality. I am who I am. What did you call me earlier? Hmm... let me think... Oh... I remember.. 'little snobby stuck up'." Felix glared.

His words cut into him. He knew he shouldn't have said them but he was angry. He was hurt. He still was.

"What do you want to know..." Adrien sighed.

"Who is Ladybug?" Felix asked.

"Huh? I-I don't know!" He said, eyes wide with surprise.

"Lying again. You know you should probably at least try and lie better." Felix sighed.

"I-I... I can't tell you who she is. She is my partner. That would put her in danger! That would jeopardize our trust!" Adrien said angrily.

"Hmm... based on the information from today and how emotional you've been... I would say..." Felix said, thinking.

"You would say what?" Adrien said.

"Hmm... Marinette is probably Ladybug. Isn't she?" Felix said, seeing Adrien go silent.

"That's all I needed to see, your silence says the truth."

"N-No! She isn't!"

"It makes perfect sense to be honest. How she would sneak in and out of your bedroom. How she would just forgive you for 'cheating' on her with 'Ladybug'... because she IS ladybug." Felix smirked.

"No! She isn't! You're wrong!" Adrien protested.

"The angrier and frantic you get, the more it proves my point." Felix laughed.

"Ugh! Alright, so what! What now! What are you going to do with that information?" Adrien snapped.

Felix looked at Adrien, he could tell he was hurt. He remembered his talk with Ladybug a little while ago and how he should make amends with Adrien. How his talk with Ladybug was with Marinette. Marinette... the girl he kinda confessed to by accident. Felix's face flushed red and he turned his head away. He stood up, walking over to the door.

"I'm not going to blackmail you, don't worry. I just wanted to know... I honestly didn't mean to find out your secret. I was actually coming in here to apologize for placing a camera in your room because me and Marine-... Ladybug had a talk after you left." He said, facing the door so he wouldn't have to look at his cousin.

"I'm going to bed, we have to be up early for school in the morning. Good night Adrien." Felix said, leaving before Adrien could even get a word in.

"Plagg? What am I going to do..." Adrien sighed, bringing a pillow to his face to cover it in shame.

"I don't know, kid... better get some sleep and think about what you're going to tell her in the morning." Plagg sighed, floating over to another pillow to lay down.

"Ladybug... Marinette... is going to kill me..." 

Thunderstorms Series: Part 3 (Drenched)Where stories live. Discover now