Chapter 8

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"Y-yeah! I mean- N-No! I mean... I don't... What do you want me to say, Felix!" Adrien stood up, angered and confused.

"I want you to tell me the truth. This isn't fair to her." Felix said, putting his phone away.

"This... isn't any of your business to meddle in." Adrien clenched his fists.

"Fair point. Though... is it safe to assume that the girl's voice the other night was Ladybug's and not Marinette?" Felix said, seeing Adrien's eyes widen once again.

"Felix, just stop!" Adrien said, stepping backward.

"Why? You're the one that screwed up. You couldn't pick one." Felix smirked.

"What do you know!" Adrien furrowed his eyebrows in anger.

"I know plenty now that I have video proof." Felix smiled.

"Is that why you came to Paris? To make my life miserable like you almost did two years ago? You haven't changed at all! You're the same person you were back then!" Adrien turned and ran off into an alley a few blocks away until he was out of breath.

He leaned against the wall and slid down to the ground. He buried his face into his arms while tears slid down his face.

"Kid... we can fix this. Don't let him get you down." Plagg tried his best to comfort him.

"What can we do Plagg? He has video proof of me kissing Ladybug! I can't pretend it didn't happen. I can't say I'm dating Marinette. I'll be labeled a cheater. I can't date Ladybug as Chat noir because it looks like she's dating Adrien the cheater. She was so worried about dragging me down but in the end... I ended up dragging her down instead." He cried out.

"Kid..." Plagg sighed and then came up with an idea. "Why not go talk to him as Chat noir, huh?"

"What do you mean Plagg? What can Chat noir do?" He said, wiping away his tears.

"Chat Noir is super tough, he would smash that jerks phone that was getting ready to tear his love away from him," Plagg smirked.

"But Plagg... that isn't right." Adrien sighed.

"He did you dirty first. He went into your room and took video recordings without your permission, you technically have the right to take that away, don't ya?" Plagg smiled devilishly.

"Uh... I don't know.."

"Come on!"

"Ugh... alright... Alright."

With that being said, Adrien wiped his tears of sadness and summoned his anger for Felix. Adrien transformed into Chat noir and immediately started searching. He went back to the park until he found Felix heading back toward his home.

"Oh, Adrien there you are!" He said, scooping him up into his arms.

"H-Hey!" Felix yelled.

Chat noir tried to refrain from laughing as Felix was fighting him as he carried him onto a rooftop.

"I'm not Adrien!" Felix said, fixing his shirt after Chat noir let him down.

"You're not? Who-" He asked, trying to play dumb.

"I'm his cousin, Felix. Remember? Two years ago?" Felix rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah. The little snobby stuck up?" Chat noir snickered.

"You must be the sidekick then?" Felix glared.

"Si-Sidekick?!" Chat noir ears flicked and he pouted.

"Anyways, I need a phone. Can I see yours?" Chat noir said, motioning for his.

Thunderstorms Series: Part 3 (Drenched)Where stories live. Discover now