Felix was hesitant.

"What's wrong with yours?"

"I don't have mine while transformed."

Which was true. He only had his staff, though Felix wouldn't know that his staff acted as a phone too.

"Fine but... make it quick," Felix said, getting his phone out.

They both heard a zipping noise and they both turned their heads.

"Ladybug?" Felix said, seeing her swing up to them.

"Is there an Akuma? What's going on?" Ladybug asked, seeing Chat noir and Felix together.

"Oh... uh..." Chat noir tried to think of a reason he was there with Felix other than wanting to cataclysm his phone.

"Chat noir said that he needed my phone... wait... Is that why you needed it? To get rid of that video?" Felix backed away from Chat Noir and guarded his phone.

"What video?" Ladybug looked at Chat noir and then to Felix.

"That's why you were looking for Adrien!" Felix's eyes widened. "You're in on it."

"Alright, you two! Tell me what is going on right now!" She yelled, pulling out her yo-yo and twirling it around both of them.

The yo-yo string wrapped around them, tying them up around one another so they couldn't get away.

"I thought you were supposed to be Paris's superhero? What have I done wrong? I'm just a civilian." Felix yelled.

"Right now. You're pretty suspicious and I've heard rumors of you breaking and entering into a room. That's illegal." She said, smirking, trying to scare him.

"Illegal? He's my cousin." He rolled his eyes.

"LB..." Chat began.

"Chat... not right now. I want to hear about this video. If you knew about the video why didn't you tell me?" She asked.

"I was... going to but... then I figured I would destroy it." He said, his ear drooping.

"He was trying to protect your love with Adrien. I have the video of you and my cousin kissing in his bedroom last night." Felix smirked.

"W-what!" Ladybug's eyes widened and looked over to Chat, not knowing what he was going to do.

"Let me see the video." She said, her hands on her hips.

"Why should I?" Felix said.

"Do you really want to test my patience?" She smirked.

Felix thought for a second and sighed, pulling out his phone and pulled up the video. He handed her the video of her kissing Adrien. She blushed then looked down at Chat noir. She hit the delete button and just to make sure she looked through his pictures. She also deleted the video of him talking to Plagg the previous night as well. The only thing that caught her eye was the few pictures of Marinette with her friends that he took without her knowledge in class or in public. Like she once did with Adrien.

Her face turned red once again and her eyes shot back to Felix.

"Can I have my phone back? I would like to go home now." Felix said, upset and annoyed.

"Sure... just... think about people's... privacy." She said, clicking out of his photos so he wouldn't know she saw all of the pictures of Marinette he had taken.

She flicked her wrist and her yo-yo untangled both of them. Felix stood up and brushed himself off.

"That kiss was a goodbye kiss. Marinette already knows about it and we've already come to a conclusion. I'm a superhero. I decided that Adrien and Marinette should be together. Superhero life should stay superhero life, separated from civilians." Ladybug smiled, looking at Felix.

Thunderstorms Series: Part 3 (Drenched)Where stories live. Discover now