"Oooh, why do you have to sit next to me all the time" Malfoy spat and grinned as he looked at her. "You know if we could choose partners, I would rather be partnered up with Snape than with a foul pathetic boy like you"

Everyone laughed, as Malfoy filled up with rage, got closer to her and spat back "oh shut it, you little half and half, who knows, maybe you are inbred and that is why you hang out with a filthy mudblood, who knows you are probably not even a pureblood yourself" Everyone laughed even more and Y/n snapped as she took her wand

She clashed her wand at him, almost poking a hole through his neck "Say one more thing and you will regre--" just as Snape enters the class and spells Y/n's wand out of her hand as he yells at her "Y/N, Detention every Saturday for the rest of the month, I expect that you start behaving properly after" He hissed at her, quietly though.

"Yes Sir," she said as she rolled her eyes and sat down next to Malfoy.

Snape would never take housepoints from her, since it would be taken both from Hufflepuff and Slytherin, and Snape never took points from his own house.

As the lesson went on, she ignored Malfoy's bickering and just elbowed him in the stomach whilst Snape wasn't looking.

As the class finished, Snape asked her to stay.
Bloody hell, she thought as everyone left the classroom.

As the last student left, Snape snapped at her "Miss Y/n, perhaps you believe yourself to be smarter than you are, at least Mr Malfoy knows his potions" he gave her a weird look "What a fucking sod he is, who is he to say that I don't know my potions or that I am not as smart as that twat Malfoy is" Y/n thought as she stared at the ground "I don't want to see you end up like Mr Potter" he said, as he dismissed her and she left.

As she walked towards the Hufflepuff house, someone ran up to her "Where are you going Y/n" As she heard the voice she immediately stopped "Sophia, just heading to our dorm room, I'm changing to the Slytherin today" she said as she had a slight smile, and sorry face on.

Sophia helped her pack, as they were about to leave the common room, two boys stopped them "Where are you girls heading out this late" a sweet undertone to the voice as they looked back and saw Gabriel and Levi, they went up to the girls "Y/n is switching dorms again" Sophia scoffs, looking sad with a big frown that is upside down "I'm sorry, it is not that I have a choice" she talked back as she smiled slightly, she did have a choice, and that was going to the Slytherin dorms since she really wanted to see Pansy.

"I hope you get to choose a house to stay at permanently, and that it's, of course, our house," Sophia said, as she hugged Y/n tight.

As she walked towards the Slytherin house, she could hear muffled sounds, she got a little scared but hurried up trying to ignore it, as she looked back to see if she could see someone, she stumbled into Malfoy, again.

"I'm so sor-" she interrupts herself when she notices who she had stumbled into "Oh it's you" she scoffs and rolls her eyes as she gets up "Can't you get enough of me" he spat grinning, "Or are you falling in love" he teased her, she rolled her eyes as she bumped her shoulder into his shoulder quite hard and said "I would rather be in love with a dead rodent than you, Malfoy" she spat walking away, as she could feel his eyes burning a hole through the back of her head.

She got back to her common room, she had just changed dorms from Hufflepuff to Slytherin since she wanted to chat with Pansy.

As she walked into the common room, she was stopped by Blaise. They talked for about 5 minutes, as she was about to leave to go to her dorm someone yelled after her "Y/N, missing something" She turned around in utter confusion, couldn't see anyone, as she checked her bag, and robes she noticed her potions book was missing. She walked towards the voice "Ah, I see, you did miss something, me" Malfoy snaps at her, smirking and laughing with Crabbe and Goyle.

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