Chapter Nine: The New Man in Charge

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Uh.... God my head fucking hurts. Why does it hurt? Shifting slightly my entire body throbbed. Why does everything hurt? What happened? I was sitting with Poppy and then.... Then everything went white.

A rough long wet swipe went up my cheek jolting my eyes open as they focused on Gerald who tonged my cheek again.

"Ugh, Ger," grabbing hold of the furry beast, I sat up gasping. The terminal is in ruins, a large crater in the roof, bodies and stones lined the platform as those who were awake were fighting off Dark Wizards that were ripping young girls from the crowd lining them up in front of a man not many years older than me near its rails. "Bloody Hell," I held tighter to the beast moving quickly to hide behind some crates as I watched the man.

He was tall, 180 centimeters at least, burly with a broad chest and a faint beard. The crowd's screams continued as he paced each new step commanding attention. His face was hard, bushy eyebrows furrowed, as he kept looking nervously into the tunnel patience clearly running thin.

Gerald struggled in my grasp as Poppy's scream filled my ears, she was nearly five meters from us. A thinner man yanked her up by her hair as she shrieked in pain, I went for my wand finding it gone my stomach dropping. Damn it! I hurried to my feet, dropping the beast trying to summon my wand but it was missing. I must've lost it in the blast. Hurriedly scanning the ground Poppy screamed again as I willed and prayed for my wand to appear as something incredibly long and smooth flew to my hands.

A black matte wood I'd recognize anywhere. It's Ominis' wand.

"GET OFF ME YOU PREWTRID GHOUL," Poppy yelled as I tightened my hold on the handle sending a Confringo her attacker's way, he locked eyes with me laughing as the spell absorbed in his armor.

"Got a friend I see," he sneered.

"Let her go!"

"Sorry dearie, can't. Boss wants you girls lined at the front, wana make this easy for me and come quietly?"

"Rather keep it difficult if I can," he yanked harder at Poppy, a pained whimper escaped her lips as her jaw clinched refusing to scream again.

"Threa run," she spat. I sent a few more charms his way the armor absorbing as much of my casts as it could until my magic broke through, the man grunting in pain.

"Bloody bitch," he threw her behind himself as another man took her disappearing in the crowd. He stomped towards me in a fury, ready to make me scream like he did Pops.

"Did that hurt," I mocked innocently as he grunted in return. "I'm sorry I don't speak neanderthal you'll have to translate that to English."

"Watch your tongue, else I'll cut it out when we're done with you."

"Come now that isn't the way to make friends," I stepped slightly back to lead him further away, the screams from the crowd grew. Terror filling the terminal.

"Round em all up," a burly man yelled, as the dark wizard before me smiled wickedly. "No one makes it out of here until I find her!"

"Boss needs to see ye dearie."

"Trust once I'm done with you he's next."

"Heh, feisty. I like that," his head tilted looking me up and down. "Pudgier than my usual but I could fuck that outta you," he took a vile step forward. Ominis's wand shot a Deffindo slicing his head clear off tumbling towards me. I stared at the thin rod in awe.

I didn't cast that.

The man's body fell with a hard thud as another familiar scream cut through my confused daze. Running back towards the front of the terminal. I hid back behind a stack of crates as the burly man held a thin brunette by wand point, her eyes a glowing emerald green making my stomach churn. He's using unforgivables.

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