Chapter Eighteen: Distract Me

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"Ah, how are my two favorite Hogwarts students," Sirona beamed as she walked towards our table.

"Isn't every student your favorite," I jested back making the witch laugh, as two mugs sloshed loudly hitting the table.

"As I do love every child that passes through those doors. You and Threa have come to stand highly above the rest. I say there was nearly a day you two weren't here this past spring. Sharing a butterbeer and bringing my day such welcomed laughter."

"If that's all it takes to be your favorite Armand Malfoy would beat us both out," Threa argued playfully.

"True, but then again not even he could leave as quite a first impression as you, dear."

"That was just because I happened to be in the way of a troll before stumbling in here."

"A troll you vaporized. Not something you'd expect from any old fifth year mind you. You became the talk of Hogsmeade in mere minutes."

"Talk of the Highlands really," I beamed back towards the small woman who snorted. "I could barely go five meters without hearing about the Troll Slayer."

"Not a title I am especially fond of," she ground out sweetly. Curious, as it was the first troll she had to kill, I know it wasn't her last. Tales she and Sebastian had shared from last year confirm as much... But those creatures were under the control of Goblins, unable to think for themselves. Threa loves magical creatures. She doesn't take pleasure in taking a life even if it's to defend herself.

"Doesn't ring as nicely as the Hero of Hogwarts," the bar maid teased and Threa sighed.

"That it does not," her sweet tone remained, but there is no doubt the conversation was becoming troublesome for her.

"Sirona, if I may. It has been a long morning and I foolishly skipped breakfast. Could I possibly get one of your scrumptious Shepard Pies," I felt Threas eyes on me.

"Of course."

"And anything Threa likes, it is all on my bill today."

"Well, I won't argue with that," she laughed. "Anything specific you want dear?"

"Maybe just a beef pastie for now?"

"Sure thing! I'll get them out in a jiff, holler if you need a refill on your mugs," I reached out tentatively searching for the goblet as I felt it scootch across the table, entwining my fingers around its handle I nodded a thanks as the bar maid. She again laughed as her footsteps traveled away. The woman across from me hadn't moved piquing my curiosity.

"Something on your mind Sunshine?"

"You had a full breakfast this morning."

"I did," I noted smiling back at her.

"You lied to Sirona."

"You didn't sound up for talking," I shot back as she let out a long sigh, her mug lifted taking a large gulp and placed it back on the table.

"Thank you."

"Always," I smiled softly, leaning back to take in the sounds around us.

The bar was alive with people, the whole village really. Students rushing around trying to get last minute class supplies, fellow patrons already nearly drunk singing in the corner celebrating the return of quidditch. Merlin, on our way in, a student had set off a dragon snapper sending everyone on the bridge flying. Thank the heavens Threa pulled me from its flames otherwise we'd be sitting at J Pippins pounding wiggenwelds.

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