Chapter Twenty-Three: The Euphoric Truth: Mature Read 🌶

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"Veritaserum! Why in Salazars name did you give him Veritaserum," Threa scolded voice edging dangerously to a yell finally ending the suffocating silence that threatened to take over the room at Sharps confession.

"He put a student in the hospital I think I have a right to get the reasons for why right the first time," Sharp spat back.

"Since when do you treat students like criminals-"

"Threa," I tried as she fumed.

"No! Ominis you aren't a liar," she fought stepping protectively between me and the professor. "You had no right to take away his autonomy!"

"As a professor of this school I beg to differ."

"Am I talking with the Professor or the Auror, because giving a student truth telling serum sounds more in line with the underhanded shit the Ministry practices than the school," Sharp took in a rigid breath.

"Threa calm down," I tried reaching out to take her hand as thunder shook the building again.

"No! This isn't fair! You weren't in your right mind-"

"-I was-"

"-No, you weren-"

"-I was Threa, and I do not regret it. Duncan insulted you, there is no way in hell I was going to just let that stand," I said firmly as a sob escaped her mouth. Is she panicking? The building shook again. "Sunshine, please calm down.... Everything is alright-"

"I will not calm down! None of this is right! There sending you away! You can't go, you can't! It's my fault-"

"-It is not your fault."

"Omi," her voice broke tearfully squeezing my hand tightly. Oh Merlin, she's crying? Not everything is her burden to bear, why can't she see that?

"It is not your fault Threa. My actions are my own-"

"Miss Longbottom," Sharp interjected. "I know you might not see it, but Mr. Gaunt is right. You are not to blame for any of what happened today-"

"You can't send him away...... I know what has happened was awful and misguided at best but, you can't! Don't take him away from me please.... I-If I can just explain to you what had happened-"

"I already have all the information I need Miss Longbottom."

"There's more, I beg of you please! I'll take Veritaserum, let you use legilimency on me. Anything, please! Please don't send him away. This year is already starting as utter shit do not make it worse by taking my one solace away!"

"Threa.... There is nothing more you can say or do that will add to what I already know. What's done is done. The punishment has been delt.... Mr. Hobhouse will be lucky to have his nose grow back straight after the number Mr. Gaunt did on him today-"

"-He was defending me!"

"I am aware... As to why Mr. Gaunt isn't being expelled for his feral behavior." The thunder stopped instantly, Threas breathing though struggled calmed.
"You aren't," she squeaked in shock, squeezing my hand again shakily as I returned the small reassurance. "He-he's not?"

"He's not.... Mr. Gaunt and I had a long discussion and determined that though his actions reprehensible, they did not go without merit."

"Oh," a relieved laugh escaped her lips. "I... Um," she shifted nervously. "Professor I-"

"Apology accepted," he said curtly before she could apologize moving to slump in his chair. "Well now that that's settled," his tone turned curiously lighter. "How was the meeting with Weasley?"

Utterly Hopeless: An Ominis Gaunt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now