Chapter Twenty: A Day In Hogsmeade

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After bidding Sirona farewell, we went off to gather our supplies about town, meeting with the locals and catching up about the happenings in the nearby hamlets since we left for break. Hearing thankfully that since Ranrock and Rookwood were defeated, everything was quiet for the most part. Maybe this year will be more peaceful.

We met with the town's Potions master J. Pippin who was elated to see Ominis again. Seems that he had been his biggest patron last year. I couldn't help but tease him a bit on if he used Pippins's potions as his own on his final as he reminded me he utterly butchered that exam sending Pippin into a tizzy. His potions never fail!

With all our goods he led me on to Honeydukes, staying true to his word and spoiling me senselessly with treats. More than I could possibly eat on my own dragging me out of the candy shop across the square to Gladrags.

"You're doing too much!"

"No such thing," he beamed back. "I promised to spoil you and I intend to stay true to my word sunshine, now," he turned to me holding up two elaborate ribbons. "Which looks better, I like the texture of the one I think is floral here, but the striped feels richer."

"Wishing to grow out your hair," I mocked making him laugh hard. Merlin, how I've missed his laugh.

"For you dear. You nearly sullied all the ones you had last year with all your cave plundering. You need new ones."

"My parents already bought me new ones."

"And now so am I, come now, choose one," he held them out as I sighed laughing at the man tugging a bit on the floral one.

"Really," his face grew elated turning to the shop keep. "Ring these both please!"

"Ominis, you said one!"

"I know but," he stepped behind me hand traveling gently up my shoulder finding the bottom of my throat as we both froze. His long finger stopping lazily to trail softly against my exposed skin hitching my breath sending multiple shivers through me. His hand lingered for a moment as an unreadable expression crossed his features before his hand dared travel further back.

Tangling his fingers through my hair he gathered my curls wrapping them gently into a bun, securing it with the dainty ribbon allowing its tails to fall past my shoulders. The Satin fabric prickling my overly sensitive skin making me gasp, Ominis smiled wide. His features grew soft making my heart feel like it was about to pound out of my chest.

"Now don't you two look like a vision," the mirror cooed sending my face aflame.

Through the looking glass we stood, Ominis towering me in height, his muscular frame shone through his school robes, Adams apple bobbing repeatedly. He was a vision. A Herculean god renaissance sculptors would model their stonework on. There was nothing in this world that could match the beauty of the man next to me. He is exquisite and I, my eyes traveled to the form he held so tightly to. I looked so inadequate next to him.

My head barely reached his chest. My face though not terrible to look at did not compare to the other girls our year, and my weight.... Nearly two stones heavier than I should be. I am no vision. I am not the beauty he deserves to have at his side, I'm just the sorrowful girl that follows him around.

"I must say I agree," he rasped, gulping hard as his hands moved back down to rest comfortably on my hips. Looking away from the mirror, I turned back up to see him staring down at me so sweetly. His ears tented red sending butterflies through my stomach. His glazed over eyes meeting mine startling me just slightly. He thinks I'm a vision?

"Ominis," my voice came out raspier than intended as he leaned in closer making my brain feel clouded.

"I-Is this alright," his voice rasped back face ever pensive as his hand slowly traveled up to play with the ribbon string. My brain went blank as it could only think about how nice it felt to feel him holding me like this. Is this okay? I'm not opposed, not in the slightest. Merlin his lips look so soft, why am I thinking about his lips? Focus Longbottom he asked you a question.

Utterly Hopeless: An Ominis Gaunt Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now