Chapter Four: The Red Maned Lion of Gryffindor

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"Wow," I mused, taking in more of our surroundings. The entire place alive with students and patrons alike crowding the terminal anxiously awaiting the train.

"Is it always like this?"

"Every year," father yelled as we passed a band of enchanted instruments. As The Professor and her husband came in behind us setting back out to find Natty. "Though it's not usually this crowded, trains supposed to show up at 8," he rechecked his watch. "It's 8:15."

"It's probably just running late," mother suggested, her tone revealing her worry.

"The trains never late," father fought back softly as we left the trolley at luggage drop off, giving Owlexander one last feather scratch before I turned to trail back after my parents.

"There is a first time for everything," mother argued as father absently nodded as his eyes scanned the crowd catching sight of Officer Singer.

"Excuse me." I watched in worry as father followed her to mother's displeasure, turning back to me forcing a smile.

"Don't worry June bug I'm sure it's fine."

"Thats what Fig said before I got in that carriage," she frowned at me looking back towards where he left as I felt large arms wrapping around me squeezing.

"Threa," Garreth's voice bellowed over the crowd hugging from behind lifting me from the ground. "The Hero of Hogwarts finally makes an appearance!"

"Garreth, Put me down!"

"Nope, gotta catch up on two months of missed hugs!"

"Put me down before I hex you!"

"Like you could hex this face," he taunted placing me back on my feet turning back to look at the red head. He was tanner, obviously spending his summer in the sun, growing a near two more inches, coming into his more adult features, cracking that same wise ass smile as last year. "You know there was a bet going on if you were actually coming back this year."

"Was there, how'd you fare?"

"Hobhouse owes me ten knuts."

"Only ten, thought you'd have more faith in me than that," I teased as he shrugged.

"I had a good chance but after Poppy bet on you coming in with another grand entrance my coin was swayed... No way you have another dragon or troll stashed away somewhere?"

"Afraid not."

"Damn," he faked disappointment as mother cleared her throat next to me.

"Another friend," she teased.

"Only one of her best, you must be Threa's mum," he nearly yelled in joy pushing past me to sweep her up into his arms hugging her tightly. "It is nice to finally meet you!"

"As it is you.... Who are you," he dropped her and leaned into a showy bow.

"Garreth Weasley, Potionier and Best Brew Master this Side of England!"

"Weasley," she took his hand shaking it. "Any relation to George Weasley?"

"My father, you know him?"

"I do, we were in the same house and year when I attended Hogwarts!"

"A fellow proud Gryffindor, a truly great acquaintance indeed!"

"Is he here, I would love to say hello."

"Ah, he's wandering about here somewhere. Went off with Aunt Matilda to find out where the trains gone. Last I saw they were off speaking with a few aurors trying to contact the engine man for an eta."

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