Chapter Seven: Missing Warmth

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"You know, I am a bit excited to be on the train with everyone again!"

"People will be glad to see you, Imelda and Nerdia talk about you constantly.... It's because of you Nerdia now is looking to become a liaison to the Merpeople for the ministry once she graduates."

"All because of our prank on the first years?"

"She wanted to prove they would interact.... She's been quite rigorous in her endeavors, sent Threa into the black lake last year to get some trinket they left her."

"Threa? Why on earth would Threa go get it for her?"

"Nerdia can't swim," she laughed hard as I joined her nodding.

"You're joking? And Threa helped her?"

"Her and almost every bloody stranger she met asking for a favor," I said more bitterly than intended as Anne hummed curiously falling silent as I felt her eyes examine me. "What?"

"You're upset by that."

"I am," I admit as she remained silent. I felt my cheeks heat up thinking of the small vivacious woman. "Threa helped a lot of people last year, more than just saving the school from a goblin rebellion. She saved beasts, took down dark wizard rings, tried to help Duncan fucking Hobhouse of all people."

"That had to make you cross," she snorted making me frown. The sniveling prat practically begged her to travel down into that dangerous corridor, thinking a fucking leaf could stop us from calling him Puffskein Dunkein.

"She refused him in the end, but that didn't stop him from taking her exploits as his own," I spat, Anne was silent again. I felt awkward under her gaze, I shifted in my seat making her giggle. "Are you going to tell me what has you so quiet all of a sudden?"

"Just making an observation.... You've come to care for Threa a great deal?"

"She has proven to be a true friend.... Stood by me as Sebastian lost himself in the dark arts, tried to help take care of you. She is a good person."

"She is.... From what I've gathered you two had quite the correspondence this summer," my lips pursed, face feeling hotter by the secons as she laughed again. "Wow, I thought Sebastian was kidding."

"Pray tell what venom your brother spewed," her laughter came harder. "You know I could dump you into the street to walk the rest of the way to the station."

"You wouldn't dare," she mocked as her laughter died down.


"It's nothing bad Ominis... It's quite cute actually."


"Yes cute, you can be quite adorable at times you know."

"Adorable," I draw out making her laugh again. "What about me is so adorable?"

"Heh, the way your ears turn beat red at the mention of Threa, it's cute," I covered my flaming ears making the girl laugh harder. "How long have you fancied her?"


"Come now, distract me from my looming death," she joked ill tastefully as I relented sensing some desperation in her voice. Relaxing back I considered the woman across me. What's the harm, it's just Anne.

"Some time now."

"Heh, well I figured that much from your letters. It was obviously before the summer," I nodded. "Before Sebastian left?" I nodded again. "In the fall?"

"Yes," She made another soft hum, what on earth is she getting at?

"When you met her?" Another nod. "Before that?"

Utterly Hopeless: An Ominis Gaunt Love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum