Chapter 23 - Season 3.1

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Maddison opened her eyes with a smile upon feeling of soft kisses being placed around her neck, and upon noticing her plan was working Santana couldn't help but smile too. After a moment the kisses stopped and Maddison looked up at her girlfriend in disappointment, which made the Latina smile more before she shifter to sign to the girl.


"Why did you stop?" Maddison signed back with a pout

"Because it's time to get up baby, it's the first day of senior year."

"Why are you so happy? You hate school." Maddison said with a frown, she couldn't understand why her girlfriend was so happy to go to school

"I don't hate school, I hate people there's a difference...besides its senior year which means we are one step closer to leaving Lima and going to live in a lesbian colony." Santana signed, before she removed herself form the bed and made her way to Maddison's wardrobe. The Latina liked picking outfits for her girlfriend, and more so now she wasn't able to wear what she wanted.

During their summer break Santana and Brittany had decided to re-join the Cheerios and despite the pair getting back on the team they were hurt when they hadn't heard from Quinn all summer and that the former blonde Cheerio didn't even try out for the team. Maddison was supportive of Santana's decision to re-join the Cheerios with her best friend, but the brunette also knew that them doing so would cause issues when school started again, there was no doubt that Sue would have the pair do something to try and sabotage the club like she had done every other year prior.

The summer break also saw Maddison contemplating her future, she knew what she wanted to do but she wasn't sure how to get there so she also contemplated university and even looked into some schools that specialise in music, and that's when she found NYADA. Maddison wasn't 100 percent certain that university was for her, and the thought of having to study further made her shy away from the idea more, the brunette was planning on keeping the prospect of her attending university a secret until she made up her mind, but her parents found out, they knew what their daughter wanted to do, and they both fully supported whatever decision she would make. Soon after Santana, Hazel and Brittany discovered the girl's possible plans to attend university whether that be NYADA, and boy did that lead to some lengthy and rough conversations.

That wasn't the only secret Maddison was wanting to keep. Addison and Russell were on a weekend trip, Santana had promised her parents she would spend some time with them, while Hazel and Brittany were at the blonde's house meaning Maddison was home alone when the phone rang.

- Flash back –

"Hi, is this the Hughes residence?"

"It is."

"Great, is Maddison Hughes available?"

"You're speaking to her; how can I help you...?" Maddison said with a slight pause at the end not knowing the caller's name.

"Fat Amy."

"Is this some kind of joke?"

"No, my name is Fat Amy, well it's not but its so twig bitches don't call me that behind my back."

"Okay...can I ask why you're calling...Fat Amy?"

"Right, so I am calling on behalf of Bellas Music Production."

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