Chapter 15 - Season 2.15

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Maddison was sat with Mercedes in health class mindlessly talking until Miss. Holliday started the lesson, sex education. Which was oddly fitting, the whole reason Miss. Holliday was covering was cause their teacher caught Herpes.

"This is a condom, which can help prevent the spread of H.I.V., which can lead to AIDS, it also prevents pregnancy." Miss. Holliday then proceeded to pull out a cucumber to demonstrate how to put a condom on, but unfortunately the American education system failed them and some students took the demonstration the wrong way. 

"Wait. Cucumber can give you AIDS?" Finn asked, honestly Maddison wasn't surprised he was confused, after all the year prior he thought he got Quinn pregnant via a hot tub so...

"Seriously? Cause I just had them on my salad." Mercedes added which made the brunette look over to the girl in disbelief

- Later that day - 

Maddison was telling Hazel about health class when the pair saw Brittany walk away from Santana, and the latina wasted no time in approaching Tina and telling her whatever Brittany had said. Luckily for the pair they didn't have to wait long till Santana walked to them and filled them in that Brittany thinks she preggers. 

Maddison's initial reaction was to turn to her friend who looked really upset upon hearing the news. It's not that she was surprised to see her upset, afterall Hazel and Brittany were kinda seeing each other. 

"Hey, you okay?"


"I asked if you were okay?"

"Yeah, um...I need a moment, I'll see you in Glee." And with that Hazel walked off, probably to find Brittany so they could talk 

- Glee Club - 

The teens were all seated as Mr. Schue walked into the room. Maddison purposely sat herself next to Hazel to see if she could get some more information out of the girl or at least provide comfort btu Mr. Schue wasted no time in starting his lesson. 

"All right, folks. Regionals are in a week. It's time to get deep into our set list." Mr. Schue said before seeing the look on Artie's face and focusing on the boy 

"Artie, you okay?"

"My life is over. How am I supposed to support a baby?" The boy then turned to his girlfriend directing his next words to her "How could you not tell me about this?"

"Wait Brittany are you pregnant?"

"Definitely. I'm sosorry, Artie. I didn't wanna upset you. I thought I'd surprise you when Idropped him off. I'm pretty sure it's a boy." Everyone looked at the blonde at what she just said. 

"Um, babies don't get dropped off." Puck pointed out after a moment of silence 

"Wait, Brittany have you been to a doctor yet? That's the only way to be sure."

"I don't need to go to a doctor. I just need to look outside my window. Three days ago, a stork built its nest on top of my garage. I'm not stupid. It's obviously getting ready to bring me, my baby...I know where babies come from." 

To say the class was stunned silence was an understatement, but in all honesty Maddison wasn't that surprised the brunette was more surprised everyone else was surprised with the blonde after all it wasn't that long ago that Brittany confessed that she thought Dr. Pepper was a dentist or that she believed a comb had magic powers. To Maddison, Brittany was a sweet and innocent soul who sometimes took what characters in movies and TV shows too literally. Plus how could some of them judge Brittany? It was only a few hours ago that Mercedes and Finn thought a cucumber could give you AIDS...

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