Chapter 8 - Season 2.8

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Santana smiled as Maddison curled closer to her, the Latian watched the brunette sleep while thinking back to the past couple of weeks. Santana was glad her and Maddison were okay again, she hated that only a week ago they had made up again after the whole sleeping with other people fiasco. 

She only slept with Puck out of habit, it's not like she actually likes the boy and she secretly hopes Maddison only slept with Hazel to get back at her and not because she liked the ginger girl. Puck was familiar and the safe choice after all the Latina isn't ready for people to know about her and Maddison, she herself hasn't even accepted that part of herself fully yet.

Santana's thoughts were interrupted when Maddison woke up a few minutes later, the Latina knew the girl never slept with her hearing aids in so she thought she would surprise the girl by signing to her, over the past month or so Santana had been secretly learning for the girl next to her. 

"Hey sleeping beauty." Maddison didn't even register that the raven-haired girl just signed to her instead she buried her face deeper into Santana with a grunt. Santana just chuckled before nudging the girl again 

"Maddie come on we have school."

"I don't want to go." The brunette lazely signed back 

"Neither do I but we have glee club today and with sectionals close we kinda need to be there."

"Can't we just skip?"

"No, sorry love." Maddison stared at Santana for a moment before looking at the girl with a smile 

"You can sign?"

"Yeah, I learned for you." Santana said with a smile 

"You Santana Lopez, are amazing." Maddison signed before leaning forward and connecting their lips, and the Latina eagerly reciprocated. The pair sprong away when Maddison's mum opened the door to wake the girls for school, instead she just backed out of the room. 

- At School - 

Maddison and Hazel were walking down the corridor on their way to class when they saw Kurt leading his dad and Finn mum over to the lanky teen, at first they paid no mind to the small group till shouting caught there attention 

"He proposed! He proposed!" Carol shouted while Burt continued speaking, looking over at the group Maddison could see that Kurt was excited but Finn not so much which confused her cause why wouldn't he want his mum to be happy? especially since he kinda sees Burt as a father figure. The brunette just brushed it off and resumed her conversation with Hazel. 

- Later that day - 

Maddison was walking down the corridor with Santana absentmindedly chatting when the Latina's attention was shifted to the choir room when she heard Berry's voice. Maddison really didn't care but nonetheless she followed Santana into the room 

"Why didn't you tell us we were having a Glee girls meeting?" Santana asked while Maddison trailed behind her 

"Oh this a meeting for Glee girls with boyfriends, we're gonna make them stop Karofsky from bullying Kurt." Rachel responded 

Agape II Santana Lopez x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon