Chapter 12 - Season 2.12

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Maddison and Hazel were in the latter's bedroom watching a movie in a comfortable silence until Hazel asked a question. 

"How do you cope?" This questioned confused the brunette 

"How do I cope with what?"

"With the whole Puck and Santana thing?"

"Oh, um...I just keep reminding myself that Puck is there for the public image reasons, don't get me wrong I hate hearing about it and seeing it but I know at the end of the day she doesn't wanna be with him. Why? is this something to do with whatever is going on between you and Brittany?"


"You know you can talk about it Hazel? I'm your friend, you can tell me anything."

"After the whole kissing you thing after the wedding, I kinda just sat in my car for a while and after a while I heard like a knocking on my window and yeah it was Brittany, me and her started talking and she asked if I wanted to come in so I did and yeah we talked some more and I kinda bombed her with like all these confusing thought and feelings about you and she gave some really good advice. Anyways after that we kept hanging out after school and one night it just kinda happened."

"What kinda happened?"

"We had sex...and I know it's bad because she has a boyfriend and everything, I mean we didn't mean for it to happen-"

"Hazel calm down I'm not judging you."

"Sorry, anyways after that we have kinda been seeing each other on the down low, and I'm kinda starting to feel things for her and I don't know if she has feelings for me and then there's Artie to take into account, like I already feel bad enough but I don't want to be the reason they break up."

"The best thing you can do is talk to her about it, trust me. I waited way too long to speak to Santana but now we've had that conversation things are going good."

"Do you ever wish she was out?"

"Of course I do, I want to be able to show her how much she means to me in public, and I want her to be my girlfriend officially but I'm going at her pace and it will stay that way till she's ready."

"And if she never is?"

"Then i'll cross that bridge when it comes to it...what about Brittany? what if she only wants something on the down low because of Arite, how much longer can you do that for?"

"I'll cross that bridge when it comes to it." Hazel said with a small smile, it felt nice to finally tell someone about what was going on, and more so that she could do it with her closest friend and it not be took awkward after everything

"I will tell you one thing." Maddison said which peaked Hazel's interest


"Since Puck has been preoccupied with Lauren, I'm getting more attention from Santana and extra special attention when she's pissed off at them." At this Hazel grabbed a pillow and whacked Maddison in the face causing the pair to laugh.

- In glee club the following day - 

"All right guys I have one word for you." Mr. Schue said as he wrote it on the board, but before he could actually say the word Brittany's hand shot up.


"Is it love?" the blonde said before turning to her boyfriend all cheerful "I'm totally gonna graduate now."

Agape II Santana Lopez x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon