Chapter 9 - Season 2.9

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Since the wedding and Maddison's conversations with Hazel and Santana things were finally back to normal, well as normal as it would be. Things with Santana had intensified, Maddison doesn't know what has sparked this newside of the Latina but for the past few days Santana has been round her house and stayed the night rather than with Puck and honestly the brunette was not complaining, but one thing she can complain about was the marks Santana had left on her neck. 

Quinn sat on the opposite side of Santana with Maddison next to her and Brittany on her side which wasn't the best as she was staring at Maddison's neck, more specifically the hickeys.

"Mads what happened to your neck?" At the question, the conversation Santana and Quinn had been engaging in stopped while Maddison's hand flew to her neck to cover the mark.

"Who's the lucky lady, Maddie?" Quinn asked and instead of a reply, the brunette began to blush while Santana held a smirk on her face.

"Yeah Maddie, who is the lucky lady." The Latina said in a teasing tone.

"No one." The girl said in embarrassment and before anyone else could make a comment or ask a question Mr. Schue walked in. 

"Didn't cover them up huh?" Santana signed to the girl 

"I would've if someone didn't keep me up all night and made me late this morning."

"You'll get no apologies from me." Santana signed with a smirk and the brunette just sent her a playful look and just as she started to sign back to the latina Rachel opened her mouth 

"Mr. Schuester, I have an announcement. I've selected the perfect ballad for Finn and me to sing to launch our performance at sectionals." Rachel said, and Maddison just rolled her eyes which made Santana chuckle

"Me first. Two things. Our competition at sectionals are classic stool choirs. Great voices, but they don't move. If we're gonna bat them, we need to do what they can't: dance. Which is why I've decided to feature Brittany and Mike Chang's sweet moves." After the teacher's proclamation, the room of teens began to congratulate their friends now that they were getting a chance to shine. Everyone but Rachel, who of course had something to say about it.

"Wait, they're gonna dance in front of me while I sing my solo?"

"You're not getting a solo for this." After hearing this Mercedes looked rather happy while the short girl looked upset.

"Finally, so what song do I get to sing?"

"I was thinking the winners of our duets' competition would take the leads."

"Ken and Barbie? Wait are you trying to throw this?" Rachel seemed even more upset than when she was told she wouldn't get a solo.

"You use to be just sort of unlikeable but now pretty much feel like punching you every time you open your mouth," Quinn answered back to the girl.

"Okay, listen. I have talked the talk about everyone here feeling special for over a year now, but frankly, I haven't walked the walk. I mean we've got a lot of talent here, and I'm gonna highlight it."

"Do something." Rachel 'whispered' to Finn a little too loudly.

"Look, I'm all for pumping up the team and making everyone feel special, but that's for practice. You don't take the star quarterback out before the big game."

"Easy to say when you're the star quarterback," Tina said from next to the lanky teen.

"This isn't just about me. This is about the team."

"You are such a hypocrite," Maddison said in an annoyed tone, and honestly everyone was thinking the same.

"Like you even know what that means." Rachel fired back at the girl, but before she could retaliate Santana stepped in.

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