Chapter 10 - Season 2.10

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Maddison woke up to find herself nestled in the Santana's arms and while the latina slept peacefully Maddison took it as an opportunity to stare at the girl, and the brunette did so till she felt the sudden urge to go to the loo. Maddison tied to carefully detach Santana so she didn't have to wake her but it was no use, rather than releasing the girl Santana subconsciously pulled her closer. Instead of trying again Maddison decided to do something that would definitely wake the latina, the brunette lightly kissed Santana's check before moving lower to her neck, and once she felt Satana shift she stopped which cause the latina to look at the girl with a frown. 

"I need to pee." Maddison signed to the girl but it took Santana a few moments to process what the other girl said. Once Santana realised why Maddison couldn't leave the bed she released her grip on the girl, Maddison then sprung up from the bed and made her way to the bathroom. After a few moments of lying in silence Santana looked over at the clock on the nightstand and groaned as she realised it was about time they start getting ready for school anyways and reluctantly made her way to her bag next to Maddison's bed. Maddison soon came out of the bathroom, and was making her way to the dresser when Santana slapped her ass causing the brunette to shoot a glare at the Latina while the girl looked back at her with a smile before closing the bathroom door. 

After leaving the bathroom Santana tried to grab the brunette's attention but when Maddison didn't reply she soon realised the hearing aids on the bedside table to instead she walked over to the girl and grabbed her hand before signing to her

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

After leaving the bathroom Santana tried to grab the brunette's attention but when Maddison didn't reply she soon realised the hearing aids on the bedside table to instead she walked over to the girl and grabbed her hand before signing to her. 

"Hey, why haven't you got your aids in? It's nearly time to leave."

"I don't really wanna put them in today, plus its gonna be noisy and i'll end up turning them off or something."

"Maddie, you don't have to take them if you don't want to but remember how upset you got when you couldn't participate in the duet's competition?"

"Fine, but i'll only have them for Glee."

"Works for me, plus I get to skip cals to translate for you so we can spend the day together." The latina said with a smile before she signed something else "Oh and please put them in when were in the car, I can't sign and drive."

"Got it boss." Maddison said in a teasing tone after placing her aids in 

"Now, let's go rob my dead neighbour's christmas decorations." Santana said as she pulled Maddison out of the room.

- In the choir room -

After Maddison and Santana brought in the decorations for the Christmas tree the teens began to decorate the room, and in true new directions fashion the group sang as they decorated. 

Agape II Santana Lopez x OCKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat