Chapter 7 - Season 2.7

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Maddison was sat on one side of Brittany while Santana sat on her other side. It has been awkward since Maddison confuted the Latiana about her sleeping with Puck and then confessing she slept with Hazel last week. The pair have spoken but it's been more when in a group, the brunette wanted to say something shes just not sure what to say. the girl in question was brought out of her thought when Mr. Shue entered the room. 

 "All right, guys, um...Time to start thinking about song selections." The man turned around and just stared at the teens.

"Lookin' good, Puckerman. Someone's been eating their wheaties."

"These guns are fully loaded."

"Mr. Shue? I, for one, think we should use our set list for sectionals to start exploring the oeuvre of one Bernadette Peters."

"Someday, I'm gonna go to Paris and visit the oeuvre."

"I just want to dance."

"Mr. Schuester, you look a little green."

"Um... I think I'm gonna go see the nurse. But first I feel like I should get you guys a sitter."

- After Mr. Schue left - 

Rachel was at the front of the choir room writing 'ME' in big letters on the whiteboard "Class, in Mr. Schuester's absence, I'd like to go around and ask everyone what solos they'd like to hear me perform at sectionals." As soon as Rachel turned around Santana jumped up resulting in the girl being held back by several members of the group to stop her from attacking the smaller girl. 

"All right, you know what? Let me at her! ¡Tú eres loca!"

When it looked like they couldn't hold her back anymore Maddison grabbed the girls hand and pulled her out the room as she continued to shout at Rachel in spanish.  

Maddison released her hand when they made it to the girls' bathroom. 

"You chilled out now?"

"Why did you pull me out? She deserves being slapped into next week."

"Oh I agree Rachel deserves a good smack, but doing it on school grounds probs not the best idea I mean not only would Mr. Schue kick you out when he gets back, you'd probably get suspended too and with sectionals soon it's probably not the best idea. Plus I'm just saying you didn't have to come with me, I mean you had like 3 people holding you back."

Santana didn't say anything she just stared at the girl, she knew the brunette was right she just didn't wanna say it out loud. After about a minute of silence Maddison began to talk

"About last week...I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry."

"Can we just forget it and start again?"

"Yeah, I'd like that."

- The following Glee Club - 

Puck was at the front of the room buttering the floor for the substitute teacher had gotten them while everyone else discussed swapping names. Honestly Maddison thought the prank was stupid but decided to go along with it for fun. 

"Dude, what are you doing?"

"Kurt got us a substitute, so I'm buttering the floor."

"But sectionals is, like, two weeks from now."

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