What It Felt Like To Be free

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Surprisingly for everyone, the day went by without any more hiccups. Other than the fight with Lucas, nothing bad happened. As Samuel walks with Rovanne after the lessons, the sun slowly sets in the background as they conversed with each other.

"So how did you choose your magic path?" Samuel asked, "Like, how did you manage to get someone to teach you it."

"Oh, it's nothing interesting in particular. My older brother followed the same magic path. So I decided to follow in his footsteps." She explained, "You know, the path of the binder isn't just used to cuff someone. If you're really good at it, you can basically become spider-man!"

"Oh really?"

"Yep! That's what motivated me to follow my brother's path. I want to be like spiderman! Or Spider woman. Gwen stacy! Yeah, that's her name." Rovanne's infectious happiness radiated brightly around her.

"That's nice to hear Rovanne." Samuel chuckled, the weight having been lifted off of him made everything easier, even when speaking.

"What about you?"


Rovanne nodded eagerly, "Yeah. You. You listened to me rant about my hobbies for like a long time. Now tell me yours."

"Well..." Samuel tried to think of something. It's been so long since he did something he enjoyed. Training in Hanlerk's base meant little to no freetime. Of course, he can't just say that, but he did remember this, "I enjoy playing instruments."

"Oh really? Which one?"

"Well...A lot. With my eyes, I was able to play anything that required hand-eye coordination well." Samuel said.

"Wooooah! You gotta show me sometime. What's your favorite artist?" Rovanne asked.

"Arctic monkeys."

"Oohhh. You have to recommend some songs later. They sound interesting." Rovanne said.

"I will." Samuel nodded.

"Good. Let's head back to the security force room. I'm starving..." Rovanne held up her finger, "Oh right! Perfect opportunity to show you how the rings work. First, you gotta face a wall. Anything can do."

She turned to the school wall, and held her fist out, "Then just chant the password. Halstrumg..." As she said that, a chime echoed through the hall as a white outline sketched a doorway. Before the familiar wooden door appeared.

"Then you just enter." She pushes it open, revealing the familiar Security force room, "Come along!"

Rovanne held Samuel's wrist. Eliciting a flustered reaction by Samuel as she pulled him in. As they entered the room, the door closed behind them. Matthew and Madhav sat by the dinner table, eating some dishes that Madhav prepared. By the couch, Gary and Donovan were talking with each other before pausing to see Rovanne holding Samuel's hand.

"Yo! Sammy. How was he Rovanne?" Donovan asked.

"He behaved." Rovanne let go of Samuel's hand, "We got into a scuffle some time ago. But it went well."

"Yeah. With Lucas right? I heard." Donovan stood up, grabbing a plate in front of him and handing it to Samuel, "Here, brigadeiro, your favorite."

"Thanks Donovan. You want some?" He asked Rovanne.

"No need! I got food in the fridge already. I've been craving that for a while so I'll eat that instead." Rovanne pointed to the kitchen.

"Ok then." Samuel smiled at her. He really did find her pretty. As Rovanne headed to the kitchen. Samuel could see Donovan and Gary sneaking up on him. With a wide grin on both of their faces.


Gary wrapped his arm around Samuel and scratched his head with his finger, "Nice one....!"

"Keep it down-!" Samuel whispered.

"So how'd it go? Smoothly? No problems at all? Come on man. Tell us everything." Donovan led the other two into the dorm hall and then their dorm rooms. Closing the door behind them.

"She was holding your wrist-! Ha!" Gary shook Samuel, "Den ver bra!"

"It's nothing like that!" Samuel tried to defend himself, "She's just kind! Alright?"

"Kind of...what? Beautiful? Pretty? Are you falling in love with her?" Donovan and Gary finished each other's sentences.

"S-Shadap..." Samuel looked down, even more flustered.

"There it is. His notorious 'Shadap'." Gary laughed, "You looked genuinely upbeat though. What happened?"

"Nothing. As I said, we just talked with each other about our lives. I told her about my blessing and uh...Oh." Samuel realized his mistake.

Gary and Donovan suddenly changed their attitude. Staring at Samuel with worry and dead focus. With Samuel, he's easy to let slip sometimes. They try to manage it, but Rovanne might have taken something out from him.'

"What...did you tell her?" Donovan asked sternly.

"Nothing important-! J-Just what my blessing did..."

Gary grabbed Samuel, "Why? Why did you tell her about it?"

"When we were escorting Lucas to the hospital wing, he smacked my sunglasses off. She gave it to me and asked about it. I told her alright? And...I know it's wrong but it felt good. She didn't judge me after that. She said it was nice and was done. That's it alright?!"

Gary and Donovan looked at each other before breathing a sigh of relief, "Anything else...?"

"No...Not about Hanlerk, Magic path, no." Samuel shook his head.

"Good..." Donovan said, though he has to admit, "So you felt comfortable telling her about your eyes. And she reacted well. Right?"


"Ok...That's good." Donovan eased himself, "I'm glad you felt brave enough to tell her. And I'm happy she accepted you. But still, don't just tell her stuff like that so damn easily. Please."

"I won't...Not anymore." Samuel began to eat his Brigadeiro.

"Alright..." Gary looked around, before asking Samuel one more thing, "Did you do as we asked...? The artifact."

"Yes. I nearly forgot about it, but when we patrolled the library, I did place it there. Rovanne didn't see it."

"Then we just wait..."

Gary opened his locket, taking a look at the picture of them three together, and on the other, a picture of her. His one and only. His lover. Aurora black. He still missed her. Hopefully they can meet again soon. Maybe something interesting could happen and they would require their help. Maybe even with Karasu or Sultan.

But a part of him was happy he was free. Through the three months, he got to experience what it's like being a teenager. To feel joy. To not constantly be monitored by Hanlerk. It's short-lived though. When he and his friends defeat the red hand, he's back to Hanlerk. Forced to train and train over and over again. Non-stop. So, he looked forward to the tournament. Maybe this is a time where he can truly express himself.

"What are you thinking about Gary?" Donovan asked.

"The tournament. Since it will just be us and Aziroth if he wanted to join, it would be a three versus many. Imagine how fun that would be? Stomping down at those who dare face us."

"You're certainly confident." Samuel muttered.

"I know. I can't wait. Since it's just the three of us, I wonder what the tournament event would be...?" Gary thought.

"I heard from Madhav that it's randomized every year. Last year had a prison theme. And the year before was two fortresses." Donovan said, "Though, Madhav might get info on what it would be. So we'd have a heads up."

Donovan wondered again. Should they really participate? On one hand, if they do well, they'll earn respect. And recognition which might be harmful. Sultan did recommend being in the background. Don't do anything crazy. But a part of him said 'Fuck that. Let's have fun!'. There's only a week before the tournament. Time is ticking. Donovan must make the decision now. Join? Or not?

Fervent BiteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora