Can happy ever after exist?

Start from the beginning

I slipped the ring onto his finger and he did the same to me with the other one that was in the box. "How did you know my ring size?" He asked admiring the small band on his ring finger.

"You're a really heavy sleeper when you're drunk." I laughed and hugged him tightly. "I meant what I said."

"What that we're young and stupid." He joked and I rolled my eyes.

"Out of everything I said that's what you took out of it." I faked hurt but ended up smiling anyways. "Well yes but not just that. You've seen me at my highest point and dragged me back up from my lowest. I don't know what I would have ever done without you and I don't know what I'm going to do without you over these next couple of months. I'm slowly fixing myself and I'm doing that because of you, no fuck that, I'm doing it for you. I love you." I kissed him again not wanting to pull away because I knew when I did I had to watch him walk away from me.

I got really light headed as we continued to kiss and reluctantly pulled away from him gripping his hand until finally having to let go as he walked out of my arms reach. I watched him walk away and it hurt a thousand times more than it did the last time and over a hundred times more than I ever thought it could. I then went to board my flight back to America constantly checking over my shoulder for him. It took me a full ten minutes to accept the fact he wasn't going to miraculously be stood by my side again and force myself to walk to the car and drive back to the hotel. I spent the entire day in Michael's room watching films with him while we cuddled and he allowed me to be silently upset with the world.

After six days I had finally gotten used to not having him on tour with us anymore. I had stopped searching for his face in the crowd every night and had stopped trying to cuddle into him in the middle of the night when he wasn't there. Now it was just a waiting game. I had one month left on tour and then I could go back home and start getting ready for Blake to come back to me. My phone started to ring at half two in the morning and I answered immediately recognising the number as a military number. This can only be bad news. I took a deep breath to calm down. "Hello." I spoke down the phone already getting out of bed and pulling on some clothes ready to deal with whatever had come up. Probably a broken leg or something and he's been allowed home on leave so I would need to go and pick him up. That's what I'm hoping for anyways.

"Hello is this McKenzie Leigh Murray?"

"Yes." I ran next door and knocked on Michael's door to wake him up and let him know where I was going so that he didn't go off it with me when he realised I wasn't there. He treats me like a child sometimes.

"We have you down as first to contact in the case of an emergency with Lieutenant Blake Jackson McKenna."

"Correct." I continued to pound on my brothers door before leaning on the wall as I heard him walking towards the door probably with frying pan in hand again. He always carries that damn frying pan when he's answering the door. I swear one of these days I'm going to throw an egg at him and tell him to fry it.

"He has had to be medevac'd. We have him at a hospital near you in America you need to come quick." The door opened and I didn't give Michael an opportunity to do anything as I grabbed him and dragged him as quick as I could behind me hearing the door slam shut behind us. They wouldn't have him at hospital just for a broken bone.


"Where is he?"

"He's at Mercy hospital. You need to come quickly." I was already half way down the stairs by the time he had finished the sentence hanging up and dropping my phone quickly scrambling to pick it up as we finished racing down the rest of the twenty flights of stairs. I was too impatient to wait for the lift and honestly I didn't have the time to do it. Michael never questioned what we were doing or where we were going as I sped of to the hospital at nearly 200mph without a seatbelt on parking as close to the hospital as I could get and running inside. My safety wasn't exactly top of my priority list right now. I ran to the reception desk and tried to formulate a correct string of words that would make the sentence I wanted to say. "Med-evac. Lieutenant. Blake Jackson McKenna." I breathed out and the nurse looked at me with almost sympathetic eyes.

"Room 307 on the third floor." Great more stairs to run up. Thank god for endurance exercise. I allowed Micahel a breather and he would just have to catch up and I sprinted to Blakes room. I burst through the door and felt my heart shatter into a million pieces at the sight. He was lying helpless on a hospital bed still in his blood covered trousers and two bullet wounds to the chest as well as bomb shrapnel in wounds on his torso. There was a big gash on his head and I could hear the beep of all the monitors he was hooked up to. He wasn't even breathing for himself any more, they had him intubated and a machine was now breathing for him. I walked silently over to his bed and gripped his hand tightly in mine and I swear this time I'm never letting go. Not even over my own dead body will I let go of his hand.

I turned my head to look at Michael as he walked in and wrapped an arm around me in an attempt to comfort me but I was beyond consolation at this present moment in time.

I should have known this would happen.

I mean can happy ever after exist?

At 0125 on Monday the 28th June Blake Jackson McKenna died in front of my very eyes.

Please note that this is a re-write.

Okay guys so I decided I would update this today because I was really excited for this chapter. I love this and I hope you do to and don't hate me too much. Please vote and comment because I really want to know what you guys think. Love all you guys.

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