The faint cry he heard won't stop after he doesn't know how long he had stand there. And when he heard your cries become more hurtful and how he feel his heart clenched at your broken voice, he brings himself to knock at your door. Softly at first.

But when he didn't receive anything back, he knocks again. Harder this time. Until you finally open the door when he's practically banging on your door. And what greeted him is your face full of tears. How your eyes are red and puffy from all the crying. How your eyes once full of life now empty with void. He sees how your gaze is blankly staring at him.

And the first thing come in his thoughts are for him to get in your room and trying to calm your down and he did just that.

So now, here you both are.

After don't know how long, you finally calm down with Soap's arms still around you and how he still whispers sweet nothing into your ears.

Maybe, this is what makes you do what you did in the first place.

Maybe, this is what makes you think you have to do something.

For your selfishness to be filled.

For you, to be once again, hug in a loving embrace you've been craved for God knows how long.

You can't help but come to realize, that you already accepted this world. This once used to be fictional world in your perspective.

You come to the terms that they are just as real as you are. They are human too, not just a mere character in a game.

They have their life and they have their emotions too. They can also feel and they could also give you a comfort.

Comfort you've been craved for so long.

Since you lost both your parent in your previous life and your current life.

"Soap.." You softly called for him, still burying your face on his chest.

"Shh.. It's okay." He softly shushed you as he keeps his hand to caress your hair down to your scalp. Slightly massage it.

"Mhm.." You close your eyes again as you want this moment to last long.

After sometimes, when Soap feels your breathing is back to normal, he slightly moves you to more comfortable position. Almost like placing you on his lap to hug you better and you let him do whatever he wants to do. You have no energy left to think about anything else.

You really need this comfort.

"Better?" He gently asks as one of his hand slide down to hold yours and entwined them.

"Very much." You let out a soft sigh as you lean more into his shoulder, slowly open your eyes and look down at his hand that intertwined with yours. You subconsciously smile a little.

"Mind to tell me what happened to you?" He carefully asked when he noticed you are now calmer and more relax.

You remain silent for a moment, thinking about his question. Should I tell him about how I feel?

Then you slowly shake your head, "It's just... I feel exhausted."

"I see."

"Why don't you tried to take some rest and I'll wake you up when it's dinner?" He adds.

You blink your eyes twice at the mention of dinner, "What time is it?"

"Past lunch."

To say it's surprised you, you don't know that you've been crying for that long. And to think that he's staying with you all the time and even missed his lunch...

You tried to pushed yourself from him but he's just tightened his hands around you then look down at you. Already grinning when you looked up at him.

"Oh, someone finally come to her sense?" He teased and you can't help but rolled your eyes and scoff.

"Hey, a thanks would be nice." He playfully rolled his eyes too as he let out a soft chuckle.

But before you can replied back, he already help you to lay down on your bed. Getting you in under your blanket. "Go to sleep, lass. Take a rest, you need it. I'll wake you when it's time to dinner, yeah?" He slowly pats your shoulder as he lets go of your hand and come to ruffle your hair.

You feel warm from his attention and you look into his eyes as you cracked a soft smile. "Thank you, Johnny."

"I know, I'm the best." He proudly said as he raised his head high. Puffing his chest.

And just like that, you let out a laugh at his antics.

When he heard your laughter, he looked down at you again. He can't help but softly smile at the sight. "Alright, close your eyes and sleep."

"Yes, sir." You playfully said as you slowly close your eyes just like he told you.

He comes to ruffle your hair once again before he get up from his position. "Rest well, y/n."

- - -

Words count : 1524.
With love, Seven.

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