33. Bradford

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When I got home from work, I was met with moans and groans coming from the patio so I went inside to take a shower and go somewhere else in the house so as to not disturb what was going on outside. I want to be mad that I'm not included in whatever is going on but I can't. Ryker doesn't know me that well yet and if he's not comfortable having sex with me yet even if I am his mate, I have to respect him and his decision. I just hope Gaelen isn't upset about it. He's a very passionate person it seems so I don't know exactly how he will feel but I'm sure I'll find out, it's just a matter of time.

Chad told me that when he and Dean had sex, Dean marked him because Dean is a shifter so I have a strong feeling Ryker will mark Dallas since he doesn't have a mark yet. I know it's a very private and intimate moment so that's why I didn't disturb them. Ryker deserves to be happy and to feel loved after all he's been through.

"Did you hear them having sex?!" Gaelen almost yelled when he came to the library I was in, working on some music.

"Yes I did. That's why I'm here, to let them have this time to themselves." I said and he grunted and sat down.

"Well we should be included in that moment you know." He said and I chuckled and shook my head.

"Another time, this is their time. We don't all have to have sex at the same time. I'm not ready for that, I just met him so I'm ok with waiting." I looked at him and he didn't look happy, more like sad.

"I get it but he's our mate as well. He should have talked to us about it before he went and had sex with Dallas."

"You had sex with Dallas before Ryker even knew he existed, when you weren't together. You still have sex with him now do you not? You two have a rocky past. He meets Dallas and everything has been great for them from the start. You can't be selfish and expect you to be the first one Ryker has sex with. He may have forgiven you but trusting you, that takes longer. Ryker wouldn't hurt you, no matter what. He loves you, I can tell so just be patient and don't yell at him. He's hurting so he doesn't need any more piled up on him right now, especially over who he mated with first." I didn't want to be mean but with how he looks and how upset he sounds, I had to stop him from saying anything to upset Ryker anymore than he already is.

"But it should have been me who he mated with first, I met him first, he was mine first."

"And you also hurt him first, left him first and moved on first." I looked toward the door and saw Dallas standing there looking at us.

"I know that." Gaelen grumbled and Dallas sighed walking into the room with a bit of a limp.

"We didn't plan it, it just happened. We were talking and ended up mating. It wasn't done to hurt you sweetheart, I'd never intentionally hurt you like that but you have to understand, Ryker and I didn't have anything between us that was painful. He's been through so much in his life and I'm not being insensitive here but when he and I met, it was like a brand new happiness for him without pain from the past he needed to work through and you. You know he loves you so damn much so please don't feel like you got left out. Yours and his time will come, trust me." Dallas kissed Gaelen on the cheek and he smiled at Dallas.

"Now Bradford, when can we take you out on a date and get to know you better?" Dallas asked me and I again shook my head.

"No dates, no relationship besides friendship for us. We aren't mates so we don't need to have a romantic relationship. You two can have one all you want but I only want Ryker. I'm sure I'll grow to love you as a friend but that's all it'll be for me, friendship with you two. I've never been one for having multiple partners and that's ok, I'm perfectly happy with just having Ryker."

"Alright but if you ever change your mind, we're here."

"Thanks but I won't, I'm going to bed, good night guys." I gathered my stuff and walked out and almost ran into Ryker.

"Ah hey Ryker." I admit I'm a little nervous around him still, he's intimidating.

"Hey there, how was your day?" He asked as he stepped aside so I could continue walking down the hall.

"It was good, long but good. Yours?"

"It was great although you already know part of why it was great. Are you sure you're ok with what happened between Dallas and I?"

"Perfectly ok with it Ryker. Like I said I'm fine with waiting, I'm truly not ready to take that step with you yet. I know how important it is and I know we have to be on the same page about it also so I'm ok with waiting. I am happy for you and Dallas for taking this step, you deserve it." He smiled a sweet smile and wrapped his arms around me but I couldn't hug him back since he had my arms trapped but I melted into his hug and closed my eyes, inhaling his scent and just wanted to lay my head on his chest and go to sleep on him.

"Thank you Bradford, for saying that and for being here. I am so blessed to have you as a mate, just like I am blessed to have Dallas and Gaelen as my mates. I was wondering if you would like to officially move in? You go back and forth from here to New Orleans and I know you work in the city but if you wanted, you could move in. Take your time and think about it, no pressure I swear." He didn't let me go, just held me a little tighter and kissed the top of my head and I smiled, loving the attention he's giving me.

"I'll think about it." I whispered and he softly chuckled and sighed happily.

"You do that. I'm going to go take a shower and go to bed, I gotta be up at four for rounds at five." I looked at my watch when he let me go and saw it was only nine but he is a surgeon and has crazy hours.

"Ok well um good night Ryker." I looked up into his eyes and he cupped my cheeks, leaned down and placed a soft gentle kiss to my lips and I kissed him back for a few seconds before he pulled away. The kiss took my breath away and my whole body was tingling in the best way.

"Good night my darling." He walked away and went into his room and I went to the guest room I sleep in while I'm here.

Like I said, I'm not in a relationship with Dallas and Gaelen and they sleep with Ryker so I stay in the guest room which is my choice. I was asked to sleep in the room with them but I have my own relationship with Ryker and we are going at a pace that works for us, no need to rush things with him. I have a secret that I don't want Ryker to find out about yet because I don't know what he will think so me staying in a room alone is ok with me.

I closed and locked the door and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I undressed and avoided looking in the mirror as best as I could but my eyes drifted to my smaller than average penis and wanted to cry. Who is going to find a three inch length pencil thin penis sexy or even pleasurable? I'm a decent looking guy and I have muscles so a size that damn small is shameful and I'm embarrassed about it. I hate it. I haven't ever had sex, I'm too ashamed to show anyone my body so I know if Ryker ever saw me naked, he would be disgusted and probably reject me.

I know Dallas and Gaelen have to be a good size from the sounds they make when they have sex or at least Dallas because Gaelen screams his pleasure for the whole town to hear. Also Ryker from how Dallas was moaning earlier and even walking how he was, plus his screaming of pleasure so I highly doubt Ryker will like how I look, mate or not.

I get into the shower and wash my hair and body before getting out and getting ready for bed. I'm horny from that kiss earlier so I have a little self love session which doesn't take long and I cleaned myself up and closed my eyes, wishing when Ryker finds out, he'll still want me and my body the way it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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Bound to My Human Mates...Book 6 Of The Silver Moon Shifter SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now