29. Altan

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Dani Garcia ^^ as Bradford

The love of my existence is gone, my son is so torn up over it that he hasn't left the apartment. He just sits by Brent's bed and cries for hours, crying and begging for him to be brought back. Gaelen and Dallas even Mikael have tried to get him to eat or drink something but he won't. I'm scared he's going to go back into his mind like he did before and this time nothing will ever bring him back.

Brent was everything to Ryker. He sacrificed so much to give his children the best life they could ever have and now Ryker lost his father and brother and uncle. Austin was a wonderful person who loved the boys like they were his and they were all family. It didn't matter if someone was blood related or not, if Brent liked you and you proved yourself, you were family. The café became a place of comfort for those who needed it and with word of Brent's death, the people are hurting because he was such a light to everyone he knew.

I wish I could have seen that sooner and been there more for Brent and Ryker like I should have been but I wasn't and it's a regret I'll have to live with for the rest of my immoral life. The only reason I'm still around now is because Ryker hasn't left the apartment to tell me to leave and even if he did, I won't. I made a promise and I'm keeping it this time no matter what.

I know Ryker asked papa if he could bring Brent back and I have to agree with Ryker. Brent's soul was pure. He deserves to come back more than anyone else and I'll do whatever I have to to make that happen. I'm not sure how but I'll figure it out. Julian was brought back but that was after five years or so and I don't want to wait that long. I don't think Ryker will be able to handle going on much longer without Brent.

"Hey, how's he doing?" I looked up from my spot on the steps going from the café to the apartment and saw grandpa Liam standing there. I shook my head and he sat beside me.

"I know it's hard, but he will get through this. Death isn't something we have faced a lot so it's a process we all have to get through and losing someone as wonderful as Brent is hard. I remember how Sebastain felt when I met him about Julian's death and I don't want Ryker to feel that kind of pain, ever. He's been through a lot himself growing up when he would visit the pack and when he lived with you for that short time before he had enough and came back here, to his home. I want to help Ryker but I don't know how. No words anyone says will comfort him. His world is shattered and nothing we do will make it better so how do we help him?"

"I don't know. He won't leave the apartment and I'm worried he's going to go back into his mind and never come back. If he does that, we lose him for good because it won't matter what we say, he won't want to come back and face his life without Brent. Even with his mates here he won't. He was gone for two years because of me so losing his father, he'll be gone forever. He asked papa if Brent could come back."


"He said he can't do it."

"Why not?" He looked me in the eyes and gosh his look is intense.

"Because his soul isn't pure and is black. It's tainted so he can't bring him back. He's not God or even the Moon Goddess so maybe if I had Skylar take me to Diana, I can talk to her and see what can be done. I know he wasn't part shifter or a wolf but there's gotta be a way to bring him back, just like with Julian but he had the blood of a demon or whatever so it was easier for the witches to do it for him. Brent has none whatsoever so it may be almost impossible." I sighed and he looked like he was thinking and we just sat there waiting on Ryker.

"Hey, how's things going up there?" Sean asked when he came over to us.

"We don't know. He hasn't left and won't let anyone in. I'm trying to respect his boundaries but I'm almost to the point of going in there. I don't care if he yells, he needs to face this and we have to do something with the bodies before they start to bloat and he sees it. I need to be there for him like I promised him." It's hard, it really is not being able to help my son when he needs it the most. I don't want to let him down anymore.

Bound to My Human Mates...Book 6 Of The Silver Moon Shifter SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now