20. Gaelen

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After Dallas and I left the airport to go home, I couldn't stop thinking about Ryker and the fact Dallas is also his mate. Try as I might, fate did have other plans to bring Dallas and I together, go home together only to run into Ryker and we are both his mate's. My parents kept looking at me and I'm sure wondering what was going on inside my head so I had to keep any emotion off my face, I don't need them questioning me right now. When we got home I went to my room and shut the door, wanting to be alone for the moment to gather my thoughts and my feelings before anything else happens.

Seeing Ryker after so long brought up everything and I feel horrible for how I treated him and I want to make things right, to apologize for hurting him like I did. I love him, I think I loved him from the moment he brushed past me in school all those years ago and seeing him each day, I feel harder without even realizing it. He looks so much hotter now, his body got a lot bigger and his eyes if possible even brighter and beautiful.

I want to feel his body on mine, to feel his huge arms around me, holding me to his solid chest and yes even want him to dominate me in bed. I know what he and Dallas did on the plane. I wasn't playing music, I was listening to them and it sounded hot as hell and I got hard listening to them and wanted it to be me. I can't wait for us to have sex, both of them are just too sexy for words.

As the evening went, we had dinner and talked about college and football, plans for the reunion and I made plans with Dallas to show him around town, hopefully with Ryker tomorrow after we have lunch. I know Dallas is excited to see him again as am I. I hope things go well and we can move on together.

"Are you nervous about meeting up with Ryker?" Dallas asked as we left the house the next morning after a promise to my mom and dad that I won't be gone all day, just most of the day.

"Kinda. I mean it's Ryker, my mate. The one person I never should have hurt. He didn't deserve it and I know that now. I have a better understanding now so I hope to make things right and we can be together because I'm tired of fighting fate and I'll accept him as my mate and hopefully have a good life with him. I have seen how mate's are, I feel it still even with the rejection so I can only imagine how I'll feel once I take it back and we heal from this."

"I never felt happier or more relaxed in my life, Gaelen. All I can think about is him, how bad I want him in every way. How his voice sounds, how his skin feels against my own, how his eyes just captured me the moment I looked into them. He's perfect." Yea it definitely sounds wonderful and I honestly can't wait to feel like that.

"Sounds amazing. I want that Dallas, more than I thought I did."

"And you'll have it, it'll take a little time but with how he was looking at you yesterday, trust me he wants you just as bad as you want him." Dallas opened the door to the diner and we walked in to see Zane standing there and when he saw me, he squealed and ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"It's so good to see you!" He still is as bubbly as ever. I chuckled and hugged him back.

"It's good to see you too, Zane. How have you been?" I asked and he went to tell me he met his mate and they are expecting their first kid in a few months and about how Brent has been having him handle more of the diner because he's going to take over when Brent retires.

"Sounds like your life is going rather well. I'm happy for you Zane, you look happy." I said and he smiled looking behind me and a man came over to us and damn he was huge and very handsome.

"Hello I'm Ravi." He shook our hands and we told him our names and chatted for a few minutes.

"Ryker will be here soon. He had an issue this morning so he's running a little late but don't worry, he will be fine." Zane said and I was concerned for Ryker.

Bound to My Human Mates...Book 6 Of The Silver Moon Shifter SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now