16. Leo

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Out of all the people in the world, Gaelen had to be our mate. Why him? He clearly doesn't like us and wants nothing to do with us and has caused us so much pain that Ryker hasn't come out of his own mind for two years. He hasn't spoken a word to me or daddy the whole time. I have been going to school for him, applied to Harvard for him because that's his dream school, he has a plan to go there to become a doctor. I don't know if he will make himself known to us anytime soon but I miss him, daddy misses him, and so does Zane and Jameson.

A few good things that have come out of this are Amar and I have bonded, finally. I know the situation is not the best but I was happy to get to know my papa. To be able to talk to him, for him to show me his powers, to learn of our history, it has been amazing. I even spoke to Atlan once but that was only to set up a way to contact papa. He knows what happened and doesn't push for me to talk to him or push for Ryker to come back.

The second good thing is our grandparents have bought a house here and moved here, to help us and it's been wonderful. I love them to bits and I enjoy spending time with them. They even introduced daddy to a woman from Shane's pack, their sons are in charge of the pack now since they stepped down a few years ago and so GG Julian thought he would ask his sons if it was ok to go speak to this lady and he brought her back with him and it was like daddy fell in love at first sight.

Monica is a good woman. She is a shifter meaning she can become any animal she wants. Her mate died in a rogue attack on their pack a few years ago. It was sad to hear her story but since her and daddy met, it's like they are healing one another from the pain of losing their partners. She doesn't try to be a mom to us, more of a friend and that is what I appreciate the most. No one will ever replace mama, so I'm glad Monica isn't trying to.

"Leo, you got a packet in the mail." Daddy placed a big thick white envelope in front of me on the table with Harvard University written on it. I looked at daddy and he smiled and nodded to the envelope, telling me to open it.

"I think Ryker should be the one to open it daddy, this is his dream, he should experience this joy, not me." I wanted Ryker to open it, I wanted him to see he was accepted and jump around screaming, celebrating with daddy and Zane, not be in his mind so deep that he has no idea what is even going on.

"I need to talk to GG Adriel, to see if he can help like he did with you. To go into our mind to talk to Ryker, it's time he comes back daddy. It's been two years, he needs to know Gaelen isn't here, about Jameson, about college, Zane, you. He needs to be here." I admit, I'm frustrated with Ryker, he doesn't realize what he's doing by not being around.

I understand his reason for not wanting to believe me, but I'm here and Gaelen was my mate and I hurt but I didn't run into my mind, not like I could anyway but the point is, he needs to come back and be with our family again. A family who love and miss him, a brother who needs him, a mate he doesn't even know we have, a sister whom he hasn't yet met and another brother who is not doing well at all. People miss him and I hope I can convince him to come back.

"I'll call him and see if he has time to come, I don't know what they are doing so hopefully he will be able to be here soon, if not tomorrow." Daddy said and walked away to make his call. I sighed and looked at the envelope and closed my eyes, focusing on Ryker only to be met with a wall.

"Damnit Ryker, please come back." I begged in our mind, feeling my heart breaking in the process. I am his other half, I should have been able to protect him from this but I couldn't and I feel like a failure for letting him down.

I try to open my eyes but I can't when suddenly I feel the presence of Adriel in our mind and I relax instantly, knowing he's here to help.

"Ok, let's see if we can't get him back." Grandpa said in our mind and I nod, letting him do his thing.

As he was doing whatever he does, I could also see what he was seeing and to my surprise, it wasn't the rejection that caused him to hide. Yes it's part of it but it was finding out what Altan had said, on top of everything Ryker has been through, all the pain he felt and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had no idea he felt like this, I never felt this pain from him so he must have put a block up to protect me from feeling his pain. I wanted to rip my heart out and I felt the tears just pouring out of my eyes and no wonder he doesn't want to be around, he is broken.

"Ryker, can you hear me buddy?" Adriel asked when he finally made it through so many horrible memories of Rykers life with the pack and those horrible people to find Ryker lying on his side curled in a ball with his hands on his head, pulling his hair.

"Ryker, it's me Leo. Can you hear us?" I slowly walked up to him and sat on my hind legs since I'm my tiger self in his mind and nudged him with my head and he gasped, opening his eyes and looking into mine for the first time ever.

"Leo? What, what are you doing here? How are you here?" He was surprised as he stayed in his little ball and his eyes held so much pain and they are red and puffy, his cheeks soaked with tears and I wished I could hold him but I laid next to him and put my massive paw on his side and he snuggled into my body and side a big sigh as I felt him relax.

"Well grandpa and I came to see if you wanted to come back? It's been two years Ryker, a lot has happened and daddy misses you so much. We all do. I know you're hurting, I know now better of your pain but Ryker, being here isn't helping. You can't run from your problems, we need to face them and you need to get back to your life. You have people who love and miss you so much."

"Hey buddy, it's good to see you. I'm so sorry for everything you have been through kiddo. No child should feel the way you do and I will do whatever I can to help you heal, you just need to come back so we can work on that, alright? I love you." Adriel said and Ryker slowly let his grip go on his hair and looked at him and his lip started quivering as more tears fell from his blue eyes.

"It hurts so much grandpa." He sounded completely and utterly broken and I for the first time in my life wanted to kill someone. They caused my human to hurt this badly, they broke him and they will get what's coming to them.

"I know buddy I know but you're not alone. We will help you if you just let us. Please come back. I will stay by your side for as long as you need, no matter what." Adriel promised and Ryker looked at both of us and nodded, not even moving but Adriel slowly brought Ryker out of this world he created and I felt myself going back to my own space and before Ryker went back, he wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face in my neck and sighed softly.

"Thank you Leo, for everything. I love you. You are the best tiger a guy could ask for. I'll find a way to make it up to you."

"I love you too Ryker, no need to make it up to me, it's my job to protect you and be here for you. You're my human." I said and he looked at me and kissed my nose and smiled at me. It's so weird being able to see and talk to him like this but it's something I'll always cherish since we had never been able to do this before.

I watched as Ryker opened his eyes and for the first time in two long years, daddy hugged Ryker.

Bound to My Human Mates...Book 6 Of The Silver Moon Shifter SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now