e i g h t: Pookie Nation

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Let's just say I was not expecting to have to share a room with Paisley. I don't think anyone else but we know about this, so it must've been a mix-up. I've already asked her if she wants to call the front desk about it, but she's scared it'll be too much of a burden. She also says she's too lazy to call them anyway, let alone bring all her stuff to another room, which is valid.

Right now, she's changing into her PJs in the bathroom while I'm lying in bed- I've already changed into a random ¨Shelby¨ graphic shirt and comfy pants. Pepper is chilling in my lap as I scroll through TikTok. I hardly ever post anything, unlike the rest of the cast. If I do, it's usually about one of the acting things I'm doing. All the stuff I'm in is always on Dior's or Leena's account (they're both using me for clout).

After practically forever. Paize emerges from the hotel bathroom, looking just as gorgeous as she had in her dress. So what if she was wearing a tank top and green Christmas shorts?

"Let's head out," she yawns. I start to bring her kitten but she shakes her head, saying something along the lines of "She'll eat all the food and it's not good for her".

We get in the elevator and she presses the lobby button. We both lean back against the bar of the elevator, shoulders touching.

"It's unfair how you surprised me at the blue carpet," she says, scrunching up her nose in distaste.

I roll my eyes. "How, exactly?"

"I was supposed to scare you- not the other way around. I snuck past you at the entrance while you were with Aryan and everything."

Laughing, I sling an arm around her shoulders. Real smooth Scobell. Real smooth. "Imagine going through all that and failing," I joke.

"Imagine having a Foo Fighters shirt even though you don't listen to them," she snaps back playfully. She seems not to be bothered by my arm, and rather she wraps her arms around my shoulders, so we're kind of interlocked.

"What do you mean?" I exclaim. "That is a false accusation."

Paisley snorts. "Sureeeee."

The elevator dings and opens up to the lobby. Paize and I walk over to the hotel restaurant where everyone is supposed to be at a table. We stumble a few times due to us being practically fused together. Arriving at the table, I collapse at the nearest chair, taking Paisley with me. We're next to Aryan, who's sitting on the floor, and next to Dior, who's just in a chair. Aryan is wearing his favorite green long-sleeve sweater, and Dior is wearing red pjs and a varsity-type jacket (but from Disney_- both very alike their characters. Charlie is facing us, next to Leah on the cushioned seat side of the table. He is on his phone per usual, but he immediately puts it down when he notices us.

The Scobell EffectWhere stories live. Discover now