s i x: Planes and "ily"s

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3:15 A.M. (Vancouver time)

It's three a.m., and Walker, Leena, Tanner, Mr. Pete, Mrs. Heather, my mom, dad, Pepper, and I are all waiting for the flight to start boarding. My sister was back home at daycare (I just know she's bawling her eyes out at night). We got here at midnight and it was an absolute nightmare to get through customs. My dad had bought these new shoes that kept setting off the metal detector for some reason. Metal soles, I think he said?

Unsurprisingly, no one is here- it is a Friday morning, and let's be real. No one's going to be taking a flight from Vancouver, British Colombia to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Though we do have a connecting flight, it's going to take almost twelve hours to get back home.

So here we are, all nine of us waiting for our delayed flight. Walker stole my Bluetooth headphones because he said the music I listen to always makes him tired. He has trouble sleeping on planes, and I do too, but I guess I have to surrender my happiness for this remarkably cute boy. He's so irresistible that I gave up my music for him- shocking, I know.

His head is resting on my shoulder, and Pepper is nestled in between us (as per usual). Walker and I are matching- I'm in a loose gray jumpsuit with my Mighty Mick's Boxing hoodie, and he's in sweatpants and his version of my hoodie, just with cut-out arms.

I'm quite upset that Walker has my noise-canceling headphones because Tanner is yapping away on voice chat with his friends. No idea why his "bros" are on Roblox at six a.m. their time, but I won't question their guardians' parental skills.

The woman at the desk calls First Class to board, and I nudge Walker.

"Wake up you adorable little idiot," I say. He just sniffs and moves his body a little, refusing to open his eyes. I got him to smile though, so I know he's not sleeping anymore.

I rustle through my duffel bag to find some candy- that'll wake him up. I hold a gummy up to his nose and take a picture, and Walker's nose starts to twitch like a bunny before his eyes open. Right as he's about to snatch it from my hand, I slide away from him. I then hold up the entire bag of blue gummies a few feet away from his face.

"If you want them all you have to get up," I smirk. Reluctantly, he gets up, holding my kitten, and takes our suitcases to the line. I grab my bag and snatch my headphones from the top of his head. My headset made a small dent in his hair, so I tell him to bend slightly and as he does, his hair falls forward slightly and I ruffle up his curls. Usually, he'd get pissed at me for ruining his hair which took him a half-hour to do, but I don't think he cared this time. When I finish un-doing the dent, he looks back down at me and tiredly grins.

Five minutes later, we're walking down the aisle to our seats. I was sitting next to Leena (thank heavens it wasn't Tanner), and I high-fived her when I sat down. I look around to see where everyone else is sitting, and I see that Walker is stuck with his little brother. I don't think he thought Tanner was that bad, but I know he'd rather be sitting next to me.

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