f i v e : Ramen

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The server arrives, with an impossible amount of bowls, somehow managing to balance them all on her arms.

"Pork?" She asks the table. I raise my hand and so does Leah, and the server hands us our bowls, the broth swishing with noodles. Those bean sprouts are looking really crunchy-

Anyways. The rest of the table gets their food, and so do the parents. It's our last dinner before the majority of us leave tomorrow, so everyone is here. Charlie, Aryan, Dior, Leah, Leena, Tanner, Andrew, and even Momona came by.

I finish my bowl a little too fast, and I'm still hungry. I take a peek at Walker's bowl- he's sitting right next to me. My mouth opens slightly when I see he's eaten barely a third of the contents in his dish.

Just like a few weeks ago with the ice cream, I try to sneak my chopsticks over to his bowl while he's talking with the others. I successfully grab a bunch of noodles, as well as some bean sprouts. Being careful not to drip any excess broth from the noodles, I shove them into my mouth.

Maybe I should've gotten what he ordered- I tend to like his stuff more than mine.

As soon as I swallow the remaining noodles, Walker grabs his chopsticks to pick up more food, but when he looks at his bowl, he seems to notice that "someone" took some.

His head slowly turns to me.

"Walker. Please, I was still hungry. Walker please- PLEASE-" I start, but don't finish my sentence when I see him getting out of his chair. When I tell you I will never move so fast in my life again- you'd better believe it.

I have a death wish, and everyone knows it. No one messes with Walker's food (though we all do it anyway and suffer the consequences). Dior whipped her phone out and started recording Walker and I's shenanigans. I was leaping over chairs, and Walker had turned into Spider-man, parkouring over the table and benches.

Thankfully, the place we were at had private rooms, one of which we were in right now. If we weren't, we would be kicked out without a second thought. Ironically enough, this happened a lot.

I hide behind Leah's chair, using her as a shield. Leena laughs, defending me as well. Soon enough, I get everyone to surround me, protecting me from Walker.

"Oh come on!" Walker says frustratedly. "Just let me pass, I swear I won't do anything bad."

Leah and Dior stick their tongues out at him, but Aryan sighs and turns to me. "Sorry, Lee-Lee. But a bro is a bro," He says, and lifts up his arm for Walker to dap.

"Thanks, man," Walker says. He pats Aryan on the back and slides through the gap Aryan made for him. I cross my arms.

"Aryan, you traitor!" I say, scoffing.

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