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A small breeze hit Ken'ichi and me as we ran. We traversed the unfamiliar territory, pulling further and further away from the fake queen.

I was genuinely surprised that the envious fake queen had the motive to send guards after Ken'ichi and I. It didn't cross my mind that she had the willpower to search for us. As much as I may hate it, I have to applaud her for not being lazy—for once.

"Where are we going?" I hear Ken'ichi ask. I turned my head toward him, realizing I was still holding his arm. Flustered, I released my hold, and turned away.

"I-I don't know!" I shouted in a manner that I've never shouted in before. I guess I was too flabbergasted. I will now refuse to hold his arm again and run.

We continued to travel aimlessly, until we stumbled upon someone's home.

That girl who yammered about the guards, suddenly appeared. There was some boy behind her.

He walked out of the house that was practically already down. That girl put her arm in front of him, and quickly pulled him back.

"Who are you guys?" She asked, and then it clicked to her. "Wait, you two were the ones that the guards were chasing, right?"

Ken'ichi and I nodded simultaneously. I then slapped him across the cheek. We looked like a couple, and I refused to be it.

"Annoyingly, we are." I huffed out. Ken'ichi stayed silent.

The boy went to open the door wider. As if to let them in, but again, the girl stopped him.

"Why were they chasing you?" He blurted.

She scowled. "Mus!"

The girl went to close the door. She had these wide yellow eyes, and long dark hair; pulled back in a simple braid with a few loose pieces at the front. The boy was blond, with very light colored eyes, and little freckles dotting his face. It seemed they had obviously came from the same tribe, but it did not make sense for the girl to be from Breeze Tribe.

The boy, maybe named Mus, looked to be couple years younger than the girl. He pushed against the door, and willed it to stay open.

"I want to know why they were being chased!" He protested, and the girl sighed.

I shrugged. "Probably because Ms. I-wish-were-queen wanted something. She, for whatever reason, always appears jealous of me?" I added the last line in a doubtful tone. I obviously wasn't sure.

"Well," I continued, "She just doesn't like me—which is good. I don't like her either."

"See?" She bent down to the boy's height, and whispered. "These are not safe people. Now come on, lets go,"

I grit my teeth. I certainly was not a bad person—Just look at Edge. Or Ji-ho. Or my parents—whatever. Unable to contain my annoyance, I spat out the following words, "Me? A bad person? Tch, whatever. At least I'm full of life unlike your dead-looking house."

The girl gave Myeong-Jun a fake smile. Her eyes gave away her real emotions; they were set in a cold stare. "How dare you — Get out here, you thieving mutts,"

The Mus-boy tugged at her sleeve. He murmured something to her, before he pointed to something, or someone, behind them. Her eyes widened as her hidden riled up anger faded.

"Guards." She whispered loudly. She shook slightly from fear.

"We have to let them in, we can't just let them get... killed," Mus said. She caved in, and gave a small nod.

Daffodils and Hyacinths (3rd book in the Forgotten Truths series)Where stories live. Discover now