All the first-year students were gathered by an incredibly big man outside of the train, Hagrid, she looked around, it looked beautiful the sky was filled with stars and it was dark outside, you could see the school from there, truly amazing. As Hagrid guided them towards the boats, she saw the Malfoy boy next to her and she did not even notice them locking eyes together, she sent a mean glare as he smirked and looked away.

As they waited at the stairs for their everyone was talking and excited to get sorted into houses, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. You couldn't hear your own thoughts. Y/n stood with Neville and Hermione talking about the houses, but her mind was interrupted by the whispers about Potter, and as soon as she laid eyes on the Malfoy boy, she saw him walk towards two boys, one with glasses which was definitely Potter, and the other was a ginger.

"So it's true then, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts" All eyes were on Harry Potter, the boy who lived, even y/n had squealed about him, but she wasn't as shocked now as she was earlier. The whispers around the hall started to get louder, as the Malfoy boy was talking to Potter.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle, and I am Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" she heard the ginger laugh and found herself giggling too, but that was fast interrupted by the rude Malfoy boy, as he snapped at the ginger, the Ronald Weasley.

"Think my name is funny do you, there is no need to ask yours, red hair and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley" he spat at him, smirking. What a jerk

Without hesitation Y/n went in front of the Weasley boy and spat at Malfoy "Go show off your money somewhere else you little rude heartless piece of --" As she was about to curse Malfoy into oblivion, she was interrupted by Profesor McGonagall, gathering everyone to follow her into the great hall.

Malfoys eyes pierced through hers, and she glared at him as hard as she could.
As the ceremony began, she heard the hat yell different houses "Slytherin" before it was even placed on the head, of course, it was Malfoys. "Gryffindor" when it was Hermiones, Ronalds and Harrys, and as y/n was called, she looked up and kept a straight face, even though she was nervous as hell.

She did want Slytherin, not sure why, but also Hufflepuff.

She sat down, in front of everyone "Ahhhh, hmmmm you are quite the ambitious lady, with a kind heart. I see you strive to win, be the best, but where to put you, hmmm" the hat said, she was so nervous she could feel her palms sweat and hear her heartbeat "To be the best, to deceive, to have a kind heart, this is hard. Do you have any wishes"

She did want to be in Slytherin, she felt it in her heart, but at the same time, she wanted everything else because the Malfoy boy was Slytherin. She wanted to get the house she truly belonged in fair and square so she kept quiet. "No particular house," the hat asked, as she kept on being quiet "Well if you don't have a wish, I can not sort you into one fitting house" Everyone looked around confused, even the professors "You are a HUFFLEPUFF AND SLYTHERIN" the hat yelled.

She got up, and all eyes were glued to her, she did not know where to sit and turned around to face Dumbledore as she went down the steps.

She felt slightly embarrassed as everyone was whispering, even the professors. She did not know which table to sit at, which house she would stay at, she did not know how anything would proceed, as she walked slowly, she sat down at the nearest table, the Slytherin table. She was too shy and nervous to walk further around the hall with all eyes glued to her.

As the ceremony came to an end, food appeared at the table magically, and everyone screamed in excitement and giggled. The great hall looked beautiful, with floating candles in the air, sparkles all around the hall, and pretty fast they all started eating. After a while Y/n was called up by Dumbledore.

She thought that everybody had forgotten about her Slytherin Hufflepuff incident when they started eating, but all eyes were glued on her again. "Oh Merlin" she whispered as she walked towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore tried explaining that this has only happened once before, and how and why it happened. She could've chosen herself, but since she didn't tell the hat her wishes, she got both.
He further explained about how she would stay at the Slytherin house first, and switch the week after an so on.

As they talked her eyes wandered through the halls, and she locked eyes with a few people from Hufflepuff, all sending her a smile.

"Are you listening?" Dumbledore asked very politely, as her eyes wandered back to him "Oh yes Sir, sorry for that, got a little distracted" came out of her shaking mouth with a slight smile.
He laughed and told her that she would have a dorm room in both Slytherin and Hufflepuff and that the point system would be shared equally with both houses.

At last, he told her that when she knew which house she preferred, and felt most like her home, that she could choose when he would call upon her She Didn't know when that would be, but nodded and smiled.

She sat down back at her seat, and just as she had gotten comfortable it was time for the prefects to guide them around the school and to the common rooms.

As they were guided through Hogwarts, she walked alone, and everyone whispered until a girl bumped into her "Watch where you go" Y/n spat, even though she normally never spat back that fast. She was having a bad start, she felt alone, and no one had tried to have a conversation with her "Oh watch yourself for Merlin's sake before I hex you" came out from a Pansy Parkinson.

Parkinson was rude, she spat at everyone and everything always bickering and commenting on everyone.

Y/n stood inches from Parkinson, and looked her in the eyes, Parkinson's smile dropped as Y/n smirked "Aren't you going to apologize, wench?" She glared at Parkinson like she was the most vain and evil perosn, Parkinson smirked back as she grew a wide smile on her face and held her hand up "Im Pansy Parkinson, I think we will grow quite fond of each other, or each others attitudes" she said with a devilish smirk "I am Y/n, still waiting for the apology" they both stared at each other for a few seconds and they bursted out laughing.

Malfoy bumped into Y/n as his other friends copied him and bumped into her and Pansy.
"Two thickheads" he said as his friends, Crabbe, Goyle, Theo and Blaise laughed.
"Who are you calling a thickhead with all the gel in your hair" Pansy spat back as Y/n and everyone else started laughing.

That was how she met her favourite little witch and best friend, Pansy Parkinson.

Everyone gossiped about Y/n, nobody understood how she was a mix of Hufflepuff and Slytherin, especially with the Slytherin stereotype being that they were evil and that all the dark wizards and witches were Slytherins.

But everyone forgot that they actually chose the house themselves, but Y/n just couldn't choose yet, which meant she would sometime in the future.

And Hufflepuffs were nice kindred witches and wizards, that would never hurt a fly, or that's what everyone thought.

Maybe the stereotypes would disappear now that someone was part Slytherin and part Hufflepuff, the students just didn't know that Y/n would have to choose a house permanently sometime.

Y/n was determined to try to make the Slytherin house seem normal, or not evil, she was in fact one of the sweetest girls, with her brown long luscious hair and hazel green eyes that you could get lost in. But you really could see the Slytherin and Hufflepuff in her, or at least hear the Slytherin in her.

Hateful desiresTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang