chapter 8

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Hi. How have you guys been. Hopefully great. Im really happy because its almost time for the school break. I cant wait to not have to see that stupid teacher every day. I have barely have any idea what im going to write about for this chapter but oh well. Hopefully you enjoy the chapter. Now lets get started.

                         "Mo quin."

"Who said that."

"Calm down baby. Im right here."

*mo quin and mo yanli turn to look behind them.*

Whos he. Hes pretty tall but thats because im pretty short. Or mo yanli is pretty short. Not the right time. But who is he. I should ask her.

... mabye not. Why does she look so petrified. Who is he.

"Mo quin. Helloooo. You okay."


Huh. Why are we talking about that asshole again. Wait. Dont tell me tha-

"Thats summer."

Oh no. So it really is him. Wait. Is he my brother. Because we are both the heir of the mo sect.

"Summer? Thats not my name. Plus i think my sister would know who i am."

So he is my brother and an asshole.

"'Dont tell him that i dont remember a lot of things. Actually dont tell anyone. I want it to be a secret. If youre okay with that.'"

"'Its fine. I wont tell anyone. Although make sure to conpletely ignore him. Because you dont like him.'"

"'Got it'"

"What are you two whispering about."


"Mind telling me why you called me summer."

"W-well. Um."

Who does he think he is. Im the heir, not him. That means that i have more power than him.

"She doesnt need to tell you anything."

"Oho. Finally talking too me sis. Its been so long. Why dont you give your big brother a hug."

Hell no. Like i would hug someone as disgusting as him.

"No. Why are you even here."

"Why. Did you think i would stay out of the sect forever."

Just go with the flow. Just go with the flow.

"I was hoping you would."

"Of course you would. I mean, why else would you have defended her. I mean him. You hate him, dont you."

"Thats a girl not a guy dimwit."

"Defending him. Now thats a first. I have never seen that. Now if you would be so kind, move too the side. I came here for him not you."

"No. Why should i"

"Why should you. I am your older brother, you should be listening to me."

"And im the heir of the mo sect.  You should be listening to me."

"Youve changed, you have gotten worse."

"I dont think you should the one saying that becayae youre the worst human ive ever met. Now, if youll excause me, me and mo quin are going. Right now"

"Getting full of yourself ? Even if you are the heir, what power do you have over me. I left the clan two years ago. You have zero power over me."

"Ive decided that me and mo quin are leaving. You cant stop us since youre not partof the clan anymore and therefore you arent my brother anymore."

"The power has really gotten to your head but fine i will leave you alone. Arent i such a good big brother. Mo quin, always be in the lookout because im watching you at all times.*he leaves*"

Damn. He is also a stalker. Thats another crime to add to the list of crimes that he has already done.

"I think that i should escort you to where we originally met."

"Please do."

(Act like i helped her get back to where we met and now im trying to figure out what to do now.)

Wow. I havent even been in this world for 24 hours amd i have already met all of these people and i have already learnt so much. I wonder why mo quin wasnt include in mdzs or the untamed. She seems like a very interesting and nice character. Plus, who doesnt love a good old traumatised character. She seems like the type of person who needs therapy, which is another reason to add to why she isnt in the novelnor show. But actually, why isnt she in the show. Especially because she is a pretty important character if you think about it. She is the best and only friend of the guy who is going to sacrifice himself for the main character.

Wait a minute. Where am i. There are literally only trees for miles on end. Am i lost. No way im lost. I may have walked fast but not fast enough to be in the midfle of the forest. Okay, all i need to do now is calm down. Everything is going to be fine. No, nothing is going to be fine. Why am i gaslighting my self, as if that would change the result.

Just calm down. Its going to be okay. Okay im calm, now to look at my surroundings. There isnt anyone i can currently see around me so screaming for help wouldnt be the best option. Plus these trees are extremely tall, so if i do scream, no one will hear me. I cant see anything but trees for miles so traviling will only make tired. that i think about it screaming might actually be the best option. The trees are pretty tall so i might not be seeimg somethings. There could be someone that i cant see because of the trees.

"Hello. Is anybody there."


That is it for this chapter. Sorry that it was a bit late. I will try to finish the next chapter quickly. But other than that what did you think of the chapter. Also, there is this one song ive been obsessed with. At first i only liked the music video. Now i realise that the song it self is really good. For any who is asking for the song , it is monster under the bed–emily mei. I also want to say  that im sorry for such a short chapter. Thats all for this chapter. See you in chapter nine.

Finished at: 31 march 2024
Words: 1034 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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