chapter 3

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Hey guys. Sorry it took a bit long to put the last chapter out. Honestly speaking, i dont know if the amount of time it has taken me to make a chapter is long. I just hope that you didnt wait to long. I am not keeping track how quickly i am making these chapters. I just hope it is a week or less. Like always, please tell me any spelling or grammar error. Tell me any question that is bugging you. As long as it isnt about the future of this story, i will answer. Also do you remember that i said this➡️ ' ⬅️ means whispering, i changed my mind, it could also be what other characters are thinking. Enjoy this chapter.

                        Who is that

She is so pretty and beautiful. I cant explain it in words. How can someone be so beautiful. Wait why am i thinking about this. She just got slapped and i am here rambling about how beautifiul and pretty she is. I mean, she is pretty but thats besides the point. She got slapped trying to make sure that mo xuanyu doesnt get more hurt than he already is.

Wait. She got in the way of the guard to make sure that he doesnt get hurt more than he already is. That means she is his friend. Finally, someone who doesnt hate him and talk sh*t about him every chance she got (definetely not talking about someone in particular). But that still doesnt change the fact that she got slapped as well as mo xuanyu. I have to do something to stop this.

" *intense throught clearing* (definetly not fake) Excuse me."

Oh. That did the trick. Well i am techinically the heir of the no sect which means that most people in the area of the mo sect are below me and have to listen to whatever i say because i am above them.

"Madam mo. What a lovely surprise."

Yup. And now they are bowing like the people before. ON THE FLOOR. This sect sounds extremly corrupt. I wonder if they are more corrupt than the jin sect. I just relised. This sect has a lot of similarities to the jin sect. That is not a good sign. What the hell did i get myself into.

"May all of you leave except mo xuanyu and you *point at new character*."

I swear if these mf ask, why do yo want us to leave you alone with these 2 lunatics, i am going to break every bone of everyone in this room as slow as a turtle. I am literally done with everyone here.

"As you wish mam. When would you like us to come back."

Oh. So you are telling me, these people actually know that there is a word in the dictionary that is called obey.

"Dont come back. You dont have to come back today. Act as if you finished what you where doing."

"But what about you."

I jinxed it. And of course it is this b*tch. My so called personal maid. Can i switch her for anyone. I will take anyone at this point. I would even take a boy instead of her.

I just realised. Everyone is looking at her as if she asked the most bizzare and weird question. I mean she is very weird but why are they looking at her like that.

"I am so sorry mam. I am sure that she didnt mean to say what she said. We will all go outside. I will make sure that she gets punished for her sin."

Okay now this is crazy. Sin. Really. She sinned because she asked about me. This is getting more bizzare by the second. Whatever. I will gather all of the facts when i go back to my room. I can think of everything then. Not now.

(Time skip:all of the guards and maids left)

Ok. Now it is only me, mo xyanyu and... who is that. I dont even know her name. Ok. Lets start with the basics, names, and then we can talk about other people and other stuff that need to be talken about.

"What is your name *points at new character*."

"Her name is mo quin."

"Ok. Mo xuanyu, what is my name."

"Your name is mo yanli 'how did she forget her own name. I know that my name is mo xuanyu since birth. And how did she forget mo yangs name. She is the one who found and brought mo yang her servant, but i guess she got bored of her because she changed her personal maid about 2 months ago and now she is called a lunatic and a mad man because they learnt that she used to be a man. So what if she used to be a man. That is not a reason to be that rude to her. I understand if you feel uncomfortable but your the one who cused her out and wanted to kick her out but her parents stopped her. It wasnt because they where trying to be nice, they arent nice, they wanted her to stay in the sect just to work for them because to them she is still supposedly a man. These people are worse than the jin sect from my personal experience'."

Damn. Wait. Can read minds or something. He wasnt moving her lip. Think about that later. At the end of the day, think about everything that had happend and think about what might happen in the future. Not now though. I should probably explain about my situation. For now just talk about me hurting my head and mo xuanyus plan to do a self sacrifice.

"My apologise. My brain is very fuzzy and i can barely remember anything. I dont even know my name. Actually i now know because you told me. Thank you. I only remeber a few really random facts."

Why are they looking at me like that. It is like the look they gave my personal maid when she was asking me a question. They look so confused.

"May i ask what my personalty is like. I have been getting a few hints but i am not completely sure."

"Well, to me, you are a person who is very good at marshal arts. You are very smart but you are very strict. You are not nice at all. You will punish someone for the smallest things that do not matter. Although you are exceptionally exellent (does that make sense?😅) at marshal arts, you do not show anyone. The only reason i found out is because i caught you practicing. You said that not to tell anyone because you dont want anyone to know that you can fight. She said that she learnt marshal arts just incase one day something happened to her guards and no one could protect her. I think that wasnt quite the reason though. That was the one time that you were kind to me. But other than that you shout at anyone who is in front of you if you havent asked them. Although, your parents think your an angel. You trick or force your guards and maids to say nice things about. I think that is it."

"Thank you so much. This will help me hide  the fact that i have forgoten a lot of information. Although, i have one more question ."


                  "What is the plan."

Hey guys. If you are reading this. Thank you so much. You probably wont understand how i feel. It doesnt matter how many people are reading this. As long as at least one person is still reading this i will continue to updated the story weekly. Hopefully you are having a nice day. If you arent, i hope you have a nice rest of your day or tomorrow. Sorry if there are spelling errors. My spelling is rubish. I think the that the reason half me and half because i am using a phone to type this story. I am only using one finger for this entire story. My poor finger hurts. Anyways, see you next week.

Finished on:6 december 2023
Words used:1379 words

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