chapter 2

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Thank you so much for reading the last chapter and this one. It means a lot too me. I will probably keep saying "thank you for everything" for all of the chapter to come. I am also going too run out of vocabulary very soon . Hope you enjoy the chapter.

                      "Lets go there!"

"Madam mo, i think that i have must of misunderstood your actions. Can you repeat what you said 'is she crazy. Her memory is completely gone for sure because who wants to go to him on purpose. Who ever does is a maniac. They are as much as or even more crazier than. It is always a surprising fact to me that ther is someone who is weirder than him'."

How dare she. She really is a b*tch. Not like i didnt know that already but i didnt know she was this bad. I woke up less than hour ago and i have to deal with this. Why did i open the door. I definetely made the wrong decision opening the door (you really did make the wrong decision😞😞).

"You heard me correctly. I want to meet mo xuanyu is there a problem with that."

"I am sorry mam but can you please tell me why you would like to meet him 'he is a lunatic and a crazy b*tch. No likes him. He should have been sent to an asylum instead. You want us to deal with this f*g. You sent him out because of how he acted towards your sect leader. What if something similar happens with him and one of our guards. Or worse, with our own sect leader. Disgusting. I wish that he dies a slow and agonising death. He deservices it. He is a disgrace to the mo sect'."

...i definetely made the wrong decsion on opening the door. First of all, why are you so nosey. Second of all, who you calling a f*g. B*tch. I swear she is so lucky that i am in my morning stage and can barely move. If this was the middle of the day, we would of already be celebrating her funeral. Like i am sorry but who do you think is going to be crying about you dying. Your mom ( do you write mom or mum. I just randomly pick between the two ). I bet you that your mom would be laughing if this was your funeral. I feel so bad for your mom. Like i am sorry but who wants to raise a brat like you. You said he deserves death, b*tch if he deseves death, then you deserve to be torture until you die and then burn in hell forever. Thank you mom for signing me up to those drama classes, they really going to be handy when i am talking to her. I can only put a straight face on because if those classes. It is extremely hard not to puke when looking at her face. She really said that he really should have been sent to an asylum. You should be in an asylum because of your ugliness. Like nobody cares about what you think so please do everyone a favor and shut up. Your a worthless character. You didnt even make it in the show, you dont get to make opinions. I hate jin guangyao (i dont know how to spell his name correctly 😭. ) more than you by a molecule. Only a molecule. That says a lot about you. And what if something happened between him and jin guangyao, mo xuanyu is a fragile man, he isnt.

"Yes i do mind telling you why i would like to meet him. So if you would stop judging me and let me get ready to meet him, that would be appreciated."

"I understand your choice mam. When would you like to meet him."

"As soon as i have finished changing my cloths."

"What about your body guards 'i swear if she says that she will go with out her bodyguards, she is offically crazy. You, the heir of the mo sect is going to visit mo xuanyu, a lunatic, with no bodyguards. What a joke'."

This b*tch.

"I dont need bodyguards."

"But you do, especially when you are visiting the mo xuanyu. What if the freak attacks you, what if he-."

"Are you judging my decision. I said i would go without a bodyguard and that is final."

"I understand. I wiil bring the maid to wash and cloth you."

if my oc was in the untamed (mdzs)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang