chapter 6

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Hello guys. Welcome to chapter 6. I am so happy that you are still reading this. Hopefully you will continue to read the story. Also, i am thinking to recomend more stories. Today i will recomend 'bathroom boy'. It is about the show, the black phone, which is considered a horror movie ( i dont find it scary though p.s:i am not that good with horror although there were some scenes where it had gore.) and till this day is one of the only horror series's with the show it. It is when the two main leads, finney and robin, meet eachother and become friends. The story starts a bit before the movie and ends i think a few months after the movie ends. In the actual movie finney and robin are not shipped. The funny thing is that i remember that one time the actors when the actors where live, one of the fans asked what their favorite ship of the show is. One of the cast members said rinney, which is robin and finneys ship name. Also, there will be angst in this chapter 🙂. Please dont judge me 😭. Quick disclamer there will be mentions of pedophilia, abuse and experamentation on others. Anyways, with that, lets begin the chapter.

      "Its the cherryblossom trees."

Wow. Just wow. Their so beautiful. Ive never seen one this close up.

"Hello. You there."

"Yeah, i am here. Just spaced out. Their just so beutiful."

"They are, arent they. Here its comon to see cherry blossom trees so i see them all the time but it looks like you dont see them often."

"You see them often? This is the first time i have see a tree colour other than green. It would only makes sense because my parents are rich and dont allow me to go outside often. Thats why i am grateful that i dont live with them anymore."

The times i lived with them were some dark times. That is when all of the people i knew and considered a friend just ran away from me. Its not that they didnt want to be friends with me, its just that they didnt want to be close to my parents, figuratively and literaly. They have been in too many scandals. From scandals from pedophilia to scandals about experimentation to scandals about cheating to scandals about abuse. Which are all, sadly, true, although everyone thinks their just fake rumors because they have a charity that is making sure to help people to recover from trauma, which it isnt. They dont give the money to anyone but themselves. They pay an actor to act like they are homeless or got kicked out of their house because of different reasons and then act like they provide food, water, eductation and also take care of their health, which they dont do. They use all of the money on experimenting on humans or creating new diseases just to make sure they are taken out because they have the cure. And their not even that smart, they have a scientist to do their work for them but he never complains because they pay him a genorous amount of money. And not only that they are super toxic to eachother and others. When i was 4, they stopped paying attention to me. They left for work early in the day and came back after midnight. They left me ALONE at a MANSION that we had just started living in. They didnt get a maid, a butler and definetly not a caretaker. Thats why i know how to cook now and why i hate them. Enough thinking about them. Thinking about then is enough to make me throw up multipe times in a minute.

"Youre rich in that universe too! Youre so lucky that you dont have to face the hard ships of the world. Your life must be so easy and carefree."

"It isnt."

"Isnt what?"

"Life. My life isnt as easy and as carefree as you think. It feels like a cage. I am forced to stay in my room all day long and i even have to eat there. I get so bored in my room. And there is also other people. They expect me to be the smartest human ever. Its frustrating. I am not my parents stop acting like i am a replica."


"Dont be. None of this is your fault. Its my parents. They do nothing but eat, whine and sleep. They take credit of others work. I dont even know why they gave birth to me. They hate children. They dont know how to take care of one, which is fine, but if you dont know how to take care of a child, dont have one. I just hate them overall and i know that they hate me equally as much."

"Sorry for bringing up dark memories. I didnt know of such dark memories. Please forgive my careless action."

"Carless action? When. You are always so careful about everything. Dont apologies for something that you cant control. Its fine."

"Thank you. I wont let this chance go to waste."

"Make sure not to go back in your word. Now lets keep moving. We are almost at the cherry blossom forest."

"Youre right, lets go."

"Also i think its about time that you teach me about the names of the people around me because i have no idea who is who and who said what and all of that stuff. Its confusing. Please help me"

    "Who do you want to learn about?"

What did you think of the chapter. I think it was ok but definetly not well made. Honestly, it makes sense that it isnt well made, its -1 degrees celsius, although it feels like -3 degrees celsius. Also i just realised that it wouldnt make sense for a 24 year old to go school and have dorms. Lets act like she is getting her bachlors degree and for some reason there are dorms. I will make up an excuse later in the story. I just want to say please support an artist called haisonne. He only has one song and i think it is a good song and deserves more attention. I saw that in one of the videos he made, he working at burger king and was trying to promote his song when his boss saw him and gave him a death glare 🤣. You can find him on youtube, instagram, apple music,youtube music, deezer, amazon music and spotify under the name haisonne. Please support him if you can 😊. Also the way i was trying to search for all the apps he is on so other people can listen to his music ( i only have youtbe and spotify). I dont know if he has a tiktok account since i dont have tiktok but if he is on tiktok, he is probably under the name haisonne. I think that is all i wanted to say so bye👋. Lol.

Finished at: 16 january 2024
Words: 1179 words

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