chapter 1

14 2 0

" talking out loud
() author note in the story
* any actions
' whispering

P.S: The picture is what my oc is supposed look like in mdzs/the untamed part. Enjoy the chapter.

Pov: me as emily (not mdzs/the untamed)

"what!". It is already 8 am!

"why didnt you wake me up. We are already late for school." Andrea is too much of a goody two shoes to be late for school. I wonder what happened to full attendance.

"it is saturday you idiot and don't be so loud, your going to wake up the whole school."

Oh yeah, its saterday. She could have told me earler. Living in dorms are so annoying. Its always either you or the people who live next to you who is making to much noise. One time i woke up at 5 am because of the people next to me where to loud. Anyways...

"you could of told me that earlier."

Now that im awake i might as well stay awake. Staying awake on saturdays are super hard. I mean, who wants to stay awake early on a saturday morning. I am so hungry. And i am also super random.

"Hey. what do you to eat for break-". *thud*

Huh. What is happening. Is that andrea is in front of me. I cant see well. Everything is so blurry. I probably hit my head again. Why me. Its a saterday morning.


What happened. I banged my head somewhere in the dorms. Why do i forget everything. Speaking of the dorms, where am i. I am not at the dorms? And why am i wearing this brown robe thingy. Where is my all black cloths ( she isn't emo 🙃 ).

*knock knock knock* i wonder who is at the door. Should i open the door. I am way to lazy for that.

"Madam mo, are you now awake. May i come in."oh sh*t.
"Come inside." Hopefully that was the right decision ( it wasn't ☠ ).

" *the door opens* its good to see you awake madam mo."

"Who are you and where am i."

"You dont remember who i am."

"Why should i."

"I am your personal maid and your are at the mo sect. Surely you have not forgotten what sects are."

"Why am i at the mo sect?"

"Because you are the heir of the mo sect 'did she really forget everything. she is so useless. I would be a much better heir than her'."

This b*tch thinks that i cant hear her. My talents are actually being useful for once. but wait ... she said sects and the mo sect was xuanyus sect.

Holy sh*t (awoop jumpscare) i am in the untamed/mdzs. That means might be able to twist the story to my liking ( mabye, mabye not ). i could help wei wuxian protect the wens or help huasung with his master plan ( huasung is my favorite character. Please tell me if i am spelling his name wrong). But wouldnt it be better if i just let the story go like normal and tweek some small parts that i dont like. Wait, i am getting ahead of myself i dont even know what time period i am in.

What if i am not even be in the untamed ( i actually watched the untamed instead of reading mdzs but i know about mdzs too. I dont know much about mdzs compared to the untamed so i am going to follow the story of the untamed. If you have any cool facts please share them, only if you want to though ). I should probably ask my personal maid.

"Has the war with the wei wuxian ended already?"

"Yes madam mo. 'Why is that the thing you remember out of all things. You forget everything about your life but remembers other lives'."

I heard you idiot. This is the second time. You sure dont know how to whisper. Whatever that just confermed that this is the untamed. I should probably not tell anyone about this yet. What if i  told them and they start to call me a mad man like xuanyu. Speaking of him...

"How long has it been since the war with wei wuxian?" Hopefully she gives me a good answer this time.

"May i ask why you would like to know this information." This nosey ass b*tch. Looks like i expected to much from her... whatever her name is. I am going to call her... karen. It fits her a lot.

"No, you may not know." I already hate her. She is so nosey, like mind your buisness. Can i change my personal maid. please. I will literally do anything and take anyone else.

"I understand your choice madam mo. 'classic madam mo, being selfish like her usually self. I guess she has not forgotten being annoying.' It has been 16 years ( that is what google said btw, by the way. I forgot most of the plot. I am going to review the story again though. I am most likely going to get the timeline wrong ) since the war."

What did she mean by selfish. Whatever, think about it later. 16 years. That means that he is dead. Maybe mo xuanyu hasnt sacrificed himself. Even if he has, i need to help wei wuxian or mo xuanyu. Who ever is currently in his body.  Should i ask her about him.

"What about mo xuanyu." Please give me a good answer this time, i will bow to you. I will get on my knees. I will praise you for a full 24 hours every day for a week for going from baby to infant.

"May i ask how you remember him and not me ( because your the antagonist/villain that no one likes)." I am so done with her and her annoying nosey.

"Who would forgot about such a lunatic." I feel so bad for saying that ( you think i dont ).

" 'far enough' what would you like to know about him."

Wow. She really is an asshole. Should i ask where he is or what she knows about him in general. I want to meet him soo...

"Where is he."

" 'why would she want to know that' he is seperated from you. He is at the other side of the sect building ( i dont know what building are called back then or what parts of the sect are called )."

           "Lets go there then!"

Authors note: sorry if it was to short. Most of this was made when it was 10:00-12:00pm. hope you enjoyed the chapter. Feel free to ask questions or correct any spelling or facts that are wrong. May i also state that i had started this story along time ago but i lost this account and thankfully found it again and that is why the writing style is so different from the beginning to now. Other chapters will take much longer than this though because i am not completly sure what to write next. I hope you have a nice day.

finished on (date) : 24 november 2023
Words used : 1181 words

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