One shot: Jealousy

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I'm pretending I don't have my maths finals soon :)


Ever since Yaku and Y/n began dating, Y/n had been starting to make friends with the few other classmates of his, particularly Kai and Kuroo. He finally felt like he became a part of the classroom. He began speaking with random classmates and suddenly he became more approachable in the opinion of his classmates. 

That morning they were around Y/n's desk, Yaku had just turned around with his chair while Kuroo was crouching down on the ground with his elbows on the desk and Kai had fetched an empty chair for himself. Kuroo was showing a video to two of his team mates while Y/n was watching the video upside down. "Synchronised attacks are so cool if done correctly", the one holding the phone commented. 

"Yes, so cool", Y/n remarked sarcastically.

Kai laughed a little, "Maybe we should talk about something that L/n-kun also understands". 

"I would appreciate that", Y/n smiled a little at them. 

"Excuse me, L/n-san", one of their class' girls was standing by his desk. 


"Um, Yanase-chan has something to tell you", she explained, "She asked to meet you behind the school". 

"Oh, um, can she wait for a few minutes? I need to go to the bathroom", Y/n told. The girl nodded, she pulled out her phone and likely texted Yanase. Y/n smiled awkwardly, "Excuse me", he said before heading out the classroom. 

"He's getting confessed to, right?" Kuroo leaned to his teammates, "Our little L/n-kun has finally grown up", he teased the absent boy.

Kai felt his phone vibrate and he looked at the text he received, "I think he has a problem". 

"Oh, is he not interested in Yanase?" Kuroo asked. 

"No, not quite". Kai showed the two the text, 'How am I supposed to get confessed to??? How does that work???'

"I sometimes forget how socially incapable he is", Kuroo commented, "Text him back something along the lines of going with the vibes and if he's rejecting her, tell him to do it gently". 

"I highly doubt 'going with the vibe' tells him anything useful", Kai said while typing out the message.


Yaku and Y/n were sitting in his room, waiting for his dad to finish dinner. Y/n was on his phone, scrolling through whatever while Yaku was on the floor doing homework, occasionally glancing at him.

"Why are you watching me?" Y/n questioned without looking away from the screen. 

"You never told me how it went with Yanase-san", Yaku reminded. He, perhaps, was feeling slightly jealous. Sure, Y/n was attractive, but he was someone only Yaku really knew that well. Y/n had been like his little secret for so long and suddenly he was getting so much attention. To an extent it irritated him. Yaku was happy that Y/n was making friends and especially that his friends and his boyfriend got along well. That all made him so happy, but the random love letters, chocolate on valentine's day, that had him feeling ever so slightly jealous. Or maybe not just slightly. 

"Oh yeah, we did group work last week and she thought I was really nice and apparently good looking", Y/n shrugged, "You know, the usual stuff why you got a crush on someone. I let her down as gently as possible by telling her I'm already dating someone". The sheer nonchalant attitude irritated him just a little more, while at the same time he was glad that probably now a rumour or two would be circling around the school saying that Y/n had a girlfriend.

"I got a question". 

"Go ahead", Y/n lowered the phone screen, "Unless it's about class rep stuff, you won't like the answer". 

"I am not going to ask you about those, I already know". The attitude had him suddenly thinking, was his reaction perhaps too much? "What would you think if I got confessed to?"

"Hmm", Y/n looked at the ceiling while thinking, then looked back at Yaku, "Proud. You know, I am dating someone others also deem dateable-" 

"You just consider me dateable?"

"That's not how I meant it", he defended, "I guess I would sum it up with saying I would feel sort of lucky". 

Yaku deflated, "You wouldn't feel jealous at all?"

"It's not like we're openly together, I can't really blame other people for having a crush on you. I mean, I have a crush on you". Yaku's mouth was left open by the last confession. "... Are you feeling alright?" Y/n questioned while watching his boyfriend look shocked. 

Every bit of negative emotion was gone, "You have a crush on me?" he asked, wide eyed with sparkles. 

"... You know... um", Y/n looked around, how was he supposed to explain this? They were dating. Was it that weird to have a crush on your partner? "Even if we're together, when I randomly see you, I get similar feelings like I did when we weren't together. But the aspect of wishing we were dating in that way has disappeared since we are dating, I think". He just hoped that it made sense. Y/n could see how his small speech could be interpreted in somehow a negative way. 

"Same", Yaku's gaze had turned down, he was fiddling with his fingers. He was embarrassed. 

How cute, Y/n thought to himself.

"I also get some weird feelings similar to when we weren't together yet..." he was softly smiling, his hand slowly creeping to hold Y/n's and rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

Y/n also smiled a little and quickly kissed Yaku's head that was still kept down. "In all seriousness, I would get jealous if people began suddenly confessing to you all the time". 

Yaku's face came up, "Really?!"

"Yeah, it's not like you're the only one who get jealous". 

"Was it that obvious?" Yaku was looking elsewhere once again, "Damn it". 

"You're super easy to read after spending enough time with you", Y/n told ruffling his hair a little while grinning widely.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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