One shot: Secret piercings

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A/N: Please note that in this one Y/n has FACIAL piercing(s). 

Y/n's previous school had been fine with facial piercings, but Nekoma wasn't. There he hid it/them to the best of his ability, feeling a slight jolt of anxiety when a teacher looked at his face closer. 

Y/n was sitting with some of his classmate, chatting. "You saw that picture that went viral of (some celebrity)?" Kai asked. 

"Yeah, yeah, he got a new piercing.. (piercing you don't have), was it?" Kuroo questioned. 

"... (Piercing you have)", Y/n corrected. 

"Oh, vice class rep knows his piercings", Kuroo laughed. 

"I thought it looked cool", Y/n shrugged, "Sort of want one". Y/n was testing them, just to know their stands. Mostly he was looking at Yaku. 

"Our innocent little vice class rep with a piercing?" Kuroo laughed, "That'd be funny... you'd look really... off, I guess". 

Yaku chuckled a little, "I think Y/n would look great, it'd just take a while to get used to it".

Y/n looked at his boyfriend, pressing his lips together, with almost stars in his eyes. 


"Morisuke, I have something to tell you", Y/n said once they were walking home, there no teacher was able to see them, or hopefully at least. He's been biting his lip tearing small pieces of skin by accident every now and then. "You just gotta promise you won't tell anyone else. Otherwise I might get in trouble". 

"Uh", Yaku looked around before lowering his voice, "Did you do something bad?" he asked. 

"No!" Y/n laughed a little, slightly offended that that was the first thing Yaku thought. "You remember the guy Kai-kun spoke about in class?"

"Yes?" Yaku was still looking around.

"Come on, it's nothing too bad, I promise", Y/n said patting Yaku's back. "And the piercing he got?"

"Are you gonna get one?"


"A piercing, are you going to get one?" Yaku clarified. 

Y/n tilted his head, maybe this was a good opportunity to make sure Yaku wouldn't actually have anything against it, "Yeah, I really want it. I've been thinking of getting it for quite the long time". 

"Oh, that's nice". 

"You... wouldn't mind?"

"I mean, I don't really have a say in it honestly. But the school might not like it, so just be careful with that". 

"That's true, it's none of your business". 

"But a word of advice, wait until you graduate, that way you got it easier".

"Nah", Y/n smiled, "I actually already got it", he said, looking at Yaku's face, first it became surprised, then confused and finally even more confused then before. 

"You have it?" he asked. 

"Yup, I've had it for some time already, I'm surprised I never got caught by teachers". 

"You seriously have it?"

"Yes!" Y/n come a little closer to Yaku, showing the retainer/whatever you use to hide it. "It very much goes through my skin". 

"Oh wow", Yaku said, "Did it hurt?"

"(Whatever you think)". 

"Okay, okay. That's cool".


It was summer vacation. The volleyball team had a training week at the school nearing the end of August and because it is summer vacation Y/n hadn't bothered to wear the pieces of plastic instead of actual jewellery in some time now, so he just walked into the building out of pure boredom. Yaku had told him that they had  a training camp at the school and that Nekomata would probably appreciate a pair of helping hands every now and then. 

"Good morning", Y/n quietly said walking in, he went to help others to set up the nets, then getting the balls and water bottles, even thought this was usual somehow he felt like everyone has been staring. 

"Tutor-san..." Yamamoto quietly called, "What's up with", he quietly whispered, "With that/those", he pointed at his face.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Y/n began touching his face, also feeling the jewellery. "Oh shit", he calmly said. Y/n smiled, bowed to others before going outside. 

"I can't believe he just realised", Kuroo commented to Yaku. 

"Apparently he doesn't feel it/them unless it/they gets irritated, so no wonder he didn't realise", Yaku said. 

"So you knew he had it/them?"

"Of course, I'm such an important person to him anyway, obviously he'd tell me".

A while later Y/n came back, this time without any jewellery (if you don't have healed piercings, pretend they're). "Sorry about that", he said, going back to do whatever he had left. 

"L/n!" Nekomata called. 

"Ah shit", Y/n said walking to the coach, his head down ready to bow and apologise.

"You can have that/those in, just wear something that can't get caught in anything or cover with tape, okay?"


Y/n jogged to the third years who were spending their break talking in a circle. "Were you told off?" Kai asked, seeing as Y/n had a weird expression on his face.   

"No? ... No he didn't, he just told me to be careful". 

"So when did you turn into such a bad boy?" Kuroo teased, flinging his arm around Y/n's shoulders, "I can't believe that our precious Y/n-chan has piercings". 

"Y/n-chan?" Y/n smiled looking at Kuroo, "I will kick you where it hurts and I think we both know that I'm not joking". 

"Your boyfriend is such a gangster", Kuroo cried to Yaku. 

"I'll join you", Yaku said to Y/n. 


A/N: At this point I consider myself a professional piercing hider. IDK if my grandma knows I have snakebites or a septum which I've had for few years now (she would give me shit if she knew). 

Also, if your partner ever makes you choose between them and your piercing/s, the person is weird and prolly not worth it :)  

That one transfer student (Yaku Morisuke x male!reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt