A rare occurrence

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Boy's volleyball team was always a little busy with the training and school work. All of the players needed to balance their personal life, school life and volleyball and that wasn't always the easiest task. But Yaku was capable of that all. He was still a 2nd year meaning no one was pressuring him to choose an university to continue to, he was able to give volleyball more time.

He had friends in the team and hanged out with them during the day. Kai and Kuroo were even in the same class as him, so everything was alright. He had friends. 

That evening he was at practice. He was sweating and panting while hoping for a break soon. "Let's take a small break!" there it was. Finally they were allowed to sit for a moment without hearing some sort of lecture or pep-talk. 

Yaku sat down on the floor with a cold water bottle which he was feeling against his neck and cheeks. It felt nice, though, going to sit inside a cooler of sort sounded even better. He stretched out his legs leaning back on his other hand while his other was holding the water bottle. 

"Check this out!" Yamamoto yelled. 

Yaku turned to his direction. He was standing in the middle of the court raising the volleyball n his other hand slowly lowering his hand and then with a swift move throwing it to the air. It went forward as Yamamoto began running towards it. 

Yaku couldn't care less but then he noticed the open door. It must have been opened for air conditioning, "Yamamoto no!" he yelled getting up quickly, but it was hopeless to even make an attempt to stop him now. 

But the yell did attract the attention of Yamamoto, "Huh?" he quickly asked looking forward to also see the open door. "Oh crap!" he yelled  

Yaku watched as a half-assed jump serve flew out of the door. At least it wasn't a strong one. "Could you get that Yaku-kun?" one of the upper class men asked as he was close to the door, for the exact reason of cold evening air.

"Yes, yes!" he yelled back, "Jesus Christ with you!" he yelled at Yamamoto. He jogged out of the gym to see the ball tapping someone's foot and then rolling back a little. The boy had frozen staring into his direction. Yaku came closer, but had a good distance between the two. 

He recognised the boy from class, L/n Y/n, that transfer student who speaks another languages. He was quite popular during the middle of their first year, but his popularity slowly faded away. "Hey", Yaku greeted looking between the volleyball and Y/n. 

"Hi", Y/n eventually said back before leaning down and picking up the volleyball and tossing it back, "Here's this", he said. 

Yaku caught it, "Thanks!" he yelled before running back to his teammates. He would've surely continued chatting with him if he weren't on the phone. And it was rare to see Y/n in school after hours, usually he was seen almost running back home. I looked back to still see him on the same spot but then something was said on the other side of the phone and Y/n answered to that. 

Yaku walked up to Kuroo who was hanging out with Kenma in the corner, "Hey, isn't L/n-kun in our class?"


"Have you ever seen him staying after classes?"

Kuroo raised his eyebrows, "No, is he actually staying after classes today? I wonder what happened". 

"Do you know him?"

"He's not that open about anything", Kuroo told. Yaku already knew this. "He's from (country) and speaks good English, and I think he lives close by since he walks home". 

No one knew much about him, probably because he didn't speak to many people in general. Only time Yaku has seen him speaking for a longer period of time was when he was teaching their classmates how to say thank you in his native language, but that was already a long time ago. 

When the next day arrived Yaku was surprised to see Y/n standing in front of the class with a stack of papers. "I was asked to hand these to you since Takahashi-san is absent and all", he quietly announced. Takahashi was their class rep. Yaku guessed that Y/n was the vice class rep considering that he was taking care of his duties right now. "Pass it along, please", he quietly told as he put a small stack of papers on every first desk of the row. He bowed a little before going back to his seat. 

Yaku received his paper at one point and turned around to give the remaining paper to the last in his row, Y/n. "Here you go", he smiled a little. Y/n said a small thank you taking out his pen and starting by putting his name at the corner of the paper before he began filling it. "I didn't realise you were our other class rep". Yaku tried his best to initiate some conversation. But it seemed like a statement wasn't a good one since Y/n only nodded; he didn't even raise his gaze. "Is it fun to be one? A class rep I mean". 

This time his eyes looked up, though his head stayed down and soon the eyes went back to the paper, "It's okay. Takahashi-kun takes care of most of the things". 

"... You're not very conversational, you know that?"

"Of course I do", Y/n traced the text on the paper reading it slowly, "That's mostly due to the fact that I am working on a school thing... which you should too". 

"I will, I will". Y/n mumbled an answer and continued to write whatever he had started. But after a while he looked up to see Yaku still looking at him. "Are you more conversational when you don't have school work to do?"


"Well then, want to eat lunch together?"

"You have other people to eat lunch with. Eat with them".

"Please", Yaku said leaning over to Y/n's desk, "I promise to do that paper immediately if you say yes".

"If you continue with 'I am not doing it if you don't', it's blackmailing". 

"Don't do this to me... please?" Yaku had a small smile on his face, but it wasn't a happy genuine smile. It was sort of awkward and his eyes weren't smiling with him, rather his eyebrows were raised in hopes of a positive answer. 


That one transfer student (Yaku Morisuke x male!reader)Where stories live. Discover now