28. Shes a psycho

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Day 23

Parker POV

The fucking Italians didn't want to stay and fuck up their land. They had to fuck up mine as well. Sometimes I deeply wish I didn't pick this job. I had no choice but I could have resisted a little more.

I unlocked the door and headed downstairs. The stairs creaked when my black boots hit them. Once I arrive at the bottom I open the doors and walk in. My job today was to get information out of an Italian rapist working with the mafia. I needed to know if they were going to attack us. I check the papers unable to find his information. He's been checked in, his name is there, but his information paper is missing. Weird

I check the room number under his name and walk to cell number 32. This place looks almost like a prison, just a torture one. When I make it there I check through the bars. To my surprise, no one was there. Immediately I called my backup team as this highly dangerous man might be on the loose who knows who else has been removed from their cages? I look around trying to find anyone else who has left. I only find one other man Jonathan Wells, another rapist. I don't know if that has anything to do with it but it seems like a weird coincidence.

I keep walking around looking for anything out of the ordinary. When I look into one of our empty extra security cells, I see blood on the floor. Curiously I open the door, looking around a bit before opening the door wide and stepping inside. The sight sent a cold shock through my body. I don't get mortified by much, but this sight, the one right in front of me scared me. It was horrific.

A man lying face down in a puddle of what I was assuming was his blood. His hair was drenched in what I assumed was also blood. He was beaten to death. By the knuckles of the other guy, I know it was him who ended his life. That wasn't even what shocked me. The man who I presume won this death match, was sitting against the wall, nails hammered into his eyes, blood pooling down his face coming from his now red eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. A nail in each of them. Bolts and nails decorated his skin, I can't see any part of him without something drilled into his body.

Whoever did this is psychopathic

The horrid smell of blood and flesh made its way into my nose making me hold back a gag. My stomach was holding onto a thin string as this was too much for even me to handle. While examining his body, I find, in his hand, a note nailed into ironically, his nail. I approach it removing the nail and taking the note. I unfold it, hoping it won't rip from the wetness of the blood holding it together. Surprisingly, the note was intact, letting me read it quite easily.

Dear Bernard family,
I hope you didn't need these two men. I found out they were rapists and I guess I lost my cool a little. You know I never let people like them off the hook. Obviously, I know how to get in here and I was here, but I have come to help you out. As you know I don't do mafia. I'm an assassin and a fucking awesome one at that, but I'm willing to help you with one thing. I have done my research, as I do, and I found things out about your family.

Because you didn't even think about the riddle I had sent you, I will give you the answer. While you were worrying about the Italians, the Russians were scheming to ruin you. They also have an insider, a leak, as you've probably noticed. As I hinted at slightly before, it's your brother. The one I would say you're the closest to. He's mad you got the mafia instead of-                                  (smeared/unreadable) -so now he's trying to do exactly that. Starting with your daughter, now I'm not saying outright confront him, just keep an eye on him.

Love, Tana the Goddess.

Ps - I love that you're expanding your family! Two grandchildren, makes you look old.

The small, innocent threats written in these few lines make me crumble to paper. My anger towards Tana and her threats getting the best of me.

"Sir what can we do for you," one of my workers asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Clean This up. Make it look the way it did before. Then remove these people from the lists. Send the body back to the Italians, say we did it." I don't feel good taking credit for this highly psychopathic woman, but I need to. They can't know she helping me even slightly.

"Yes sir," he says before commanding everyone else to do the same. They get to work getting bleach and cleaning all the surfaces. Before I can watch any longer I leave. Heading to take a shower.

I get in my room closing the door and hopping in the shower. The hot water rolled down my bare back and shoulders. I can't deny the fact that I was scared of Tana. She's a masked brave and a psycho even do, I just can't help myself from being intrigued. I feel like I know her from somewhere.

She's killed so many, just like I have, she's everywhere, just as I am, ske knows everything about everyone, I wished I could say I did too, she's stayed masked for the four years she's been a known assassin. I haven't.

I can't figure out how she does it. How does she know my brother could be a leak? Is she in my mafia? She said she doesn't do mafia, but I can't exactly trust her words.

Can I message her? Somehow, can I question her? If I had her on my side, we could go to war with the Italians and win no matter what. Envade their lands, mark it as ours. I could only dream.

Now I need to worry about the Russians, she said I've been worrying about the wrong mafia. Are the Russians plotting to ruin me too? Is my brother related to all of this?

My head was pounding by the time I turned off the water. My mind not computing with all the information I had received in a matter of seconds.

I need to ask the others. My family, just not George or Mikel, my brothers can't be trusted right now.

Words 1261

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I used my 6-hour drive to write this and a bit of the next chapter. I'm also going to be flying for 6 hours tomorrow to get to Mexico so I'll write at that time too.

I just want to say I know my writing isn't very scheduled and might be a little frustrating but I have soccer like 15 hours a week and each of these chapter take about 3-4 hours. Plus school, which takes up over 30 hours a week. I also like to do other things so I sometimes don't find the time or simply don't feel like doing it.

I hope you like the book! I'll be posting again soon, in one of two days I just need to edit my next chapter!

Make sure to vote & comment!
           Dominique <3

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