2. He wants me dead

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Day one

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Day one

Marianne Thibaut

The school was boring as usual. The entire day I was stressing about home and what he would do so I decided to relive some of that on a mission. I got a folder from Serinna the donna of the American mafia. I wasn't close to her but I would call her an acquaintance. The man on the folder was Mayor Ryan Raymond. He has specialized in human trafficking for mostly 5-year-olds and he owes $ 543,000 to the American mafia. They want him dead.

I quietly arrived at his house and looked inside. From there I could see 3 young girls sitting on different men's laps. Crying. That enraged me. I looked around the outside of the home looking for guards of some sort keeping these men safe but as I expected no one was around.

Slowly I walked into the house and found none of them heard me walking in. I creep up behind one and use my shoelace to cut his air supply. The other two were too focused on the child on their laps to notice what was happening. Once this man passed out I went on to the next one.

These two were sitting next to each other on the couch. I took out both of my knives from my jacket pocket and stabbed him right in the back of the neck where I knew their jugular veins were. They started choking on their blood and I just watched with an expressionless face. When one of the men leaned back I was able to identify him as Raymond.

After calling the police to the crime scene and helping the kids, I was heading back home. Something I dreaded even more than murder. It was already 11 pm so I was assuming father would be asleep. He usually goes to bed at 10 pm unless he has friends over.

When I finally got onto my road I parked my bike on the side of the house so that father couldn't see it. I walked into the house trying to open the door at the correct angle so that it wouldn't creak. But sadly my wishes didn't come true and the door let out the loudest sound I have ever heard. He most definitely woke up.

Beating myself up in my head I walk into the room playing with the chance that he slept through it.
Right after that thought I heard loud stomps coming down the stairs. I brace myself for him to start yelling and when he doesn't I peek through my eyelids and see him right in front of me fuming. But also kinda... Calm?

"Where. The. Fuck. Were. You." He states staring at me right into my eyes. The scariest part about his words is the fact that he didn't yell them. He didn't seem mad he seemed calm. And that fucking terrified me.

I didn't answer thinking whatever I said wouldn't make a difference because it never did. Whatever I said he would twist into his way and make it worse for me.

He pulled me by my hair and dragged me towards the stairs of the basement. He pushed me down the stairs which led to me taking a tumble down. Rolling on my neck and sides. He followed down after but unlike me, he used his legs. He has only ever brought me down here once and that was the day of the incident.

He tied me to the wall my wrists above my head and my legs spread. I was just hoping he wouldn't call his friends. I shivered in disgust just at the thought of it.

"You took away my wife and my only son and now I will avenge their deaths." I didn't know exactly what he was talking about but I had an idea, maybe it was more so my mind didn't want to comprehend his words. The first part I already knew but if he avenged their deaths he would need to kill their murderer. Which is standing in front of him.

He started punching my stomach like I was a punching bag. He didn't hold back his strength at all. He quickly changed to kicking thinking he wasn't doing enough damage. The big boots he was wearing felt like bricks being thrown full force at my already defenceless body. I heard a crack, then another. Shortly after excruciating pain surged through my body.

I knew what this meant. I had broken two or more of my ribs. That won't be fun to go to school with. I thought to myself mostly to stop myself from screaming out in pain.

He grabbed me by my hair again and brought me up the stairs and towards the kitchen. My ribs were killing me and I could barely walk. I saw him glance at the knives and to say I was scared was an understatement. He had already pulled a knife on me before but with his words earlier, this indicated he would do more than cut me with it. The look in his eyes at this moment looked deadly.

He took slow sure steps to try to scare me more and it did work I was terrified. But one thing I've learnt from all this stuff with my father is that emotions cause pain and suffering. Vulnerability. So I masked it with a blank face.

"You know that car crash ended my life. We used to be one big happy family of 4 and now I have none at all. YOU KILLED MY FAMILY." He yelled at my face. "My wife.." he whispered shortly after. I've been told this multiple times and if I'm being honest I believe him.

I killed my family too. I tell myself. Before I can think anymore he lunged at me, knife in hand. I usually don't fight back, I usually accept my fate but this time it's life or death. My survivor's instinct went off and adrenaline poured through my veins. I guess that's how my ribs aren't hurting as much. At this moment it was either kill or be killed.

I ran for a knife and got one. Father threw his knife and it hit me in my leg. The pain was minimal probably from all the adrenaline but when he came towards me I threw my knife directly toward his face. Blood splattered all over my face and clothes. His body fell limp on the floor like dead wait and so did mine. The pain from his beating and the knife coming back. I lay there until the pain became too much and I fell into unconsciousness.

Words 1148

Hope you liked this chapter I feel so bad for putting Marianna through all this pain but it's a part of the story and she needed the baggage.

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Dominique <3

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