17. Rules & windows

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Day 14

After we ate supper Parker had asked me- no he told me to go to his office to discuss house rules. I don't do rules. What's the point in following a strict set of orders that I do not appeal to? I won't do something I don't want to do just for their sake. They can go fuck themselves.

Instead of following Parker, I head straight up to my room. Might piss him off but I've grown less and less scared of them. They're dangerous and will not hesitate to kill me but, I have associations in the underground world and, if I were to die, let's just say they're going down with me.

After canon-balling onto my bed, I took out my phone to see my missions. I searched for the word "France" and looked at all the jobs people wanted me to do in this country.

There was a man named Josh Baily that I could kill for 15 000$. He had raped 16 women and 4 children. The perfect target.

Before I could answer the email to address my decision, I heard a loud banging on my door. I had locked it before taking out my laptop so whoever this was could not open it.

Maybe I was wrong, the door landed on the floor with a loud bang. My eyes widen when looking at all 6 men staring daggers at my skull. Shit. I only wanted to piss one off not all 6.

Parker walks towards me slowly. The slowness reminded me of the last night I was with Steve. Is he going to kill me? I don't have a weapon to stop him.

To closer he got the further away I pushed myself. My back was now fully pushed against the backboard. My expression panicky wiping my head around for an escape. There's a window to my left. All my brothers are standing at the doorway I could make a run for it. I'm on the second floor but plummeting to my death out of a window would be better than what's coming for me.

No, I can't do that, the baby. I can't die before it can even have a life. I could climb down, there was a pipe down the side of it that I could climb down. Yeah, that's a good idea, I could do that.

As fast as I could I got out of bed and lunged for the window, opening it as quickly as I could. The boys didn't process the fact that I was trying to leave yet so they all just watched for a few seconds. In that time, I had managed to set two feet onto the pipe steadying myself with the brick wall. Making my way down trying desperately to latch onto anything I can.

I made it about halfway when my foot slipped, my body tumbling down the last few metres left to descend. My arm flew around hoping to feel something to hold onto. Praying to stop my body from falling to my inevitable doom.

I could feel my body hit the floor, my mind staying conscious just long enough to see my family looking out of the window, staring at my starfish-looking position.

I can't blame them, they just watched their only sister, daughter, basically kill herself to get out of a room with them. They just watched the youngest of the family choose a deadly escape over just staying in a room with the people she was meant to trust.

Maybe death isn't so bad, my mind already felt at ease. My body didn't feel any pain anymore, and maybe that's how I wanted it to stay. There was no pain, no fear it was just me, alone, finally ok. As I felt someone touch my arm, my eyes fell closed and peace surrounded me.

Luca Pov

I'm trying to conceal my hatred for her but it's not working as well as I'd hoped. I mean she got everything. She had a stepfather who fought for custody of her. She had my mother when I didn't. She was adored by love all around, yet she showed us the cold shoulder. She was avoiding us at all costs, and whenever she talked to us she only ever gave small responses.

She took away my mom and my dad. When Mom left with her he was colder than ever and treated us poorly. He would lock himself in his office and only ever talked to us when it involved the mafia.

Christian seems to have already forgiven her for the havoc she unleashed upon us for the past 14 years. How could they all just accept her with open arms?

She's a selfish bitch. Marianne doesn't look sad at all for her stepfather's death. She doesn't even seem to care. She's acting as if she learnt that a stranger was murdered, not the man who was working to put food on the table, the man who would do anything for her.

I've seen her house, it wasn't much. It was a bit below an average house, it looked nice but destroyed. The inside consisted of beer bottles all over the floor and the house itself was not personalized. How could she be an alcoholic? I just can't believe she would do this to her own father.

When I went I had asked around trying to figure something out about her, but when I asked, everyone just shuddered in fear and walked away. Not giving me any information. I guess they all knew who I was. People are always scared of me and at this moment it was insanely inconvenient.

Another thing that pissed me off was, when she saw her room she just shrugged it off, not seeming pleased with the layout. I had hired one of the best to create a great room for her and all she did was shrug it off. How ungrateful could she be?

Dad went to tell Marianne about the rules of the house. The ones everyone has to follow, plus a few more. When getting a glass of water I heard a loud bang, one that would make the entire house tremble. When I got to the source I was surprised to see my father kicking Marianne's door. All of my siblings got here a few seconds after all questioning the same thing.

"What did she do Dad" I question earning a low chuckle from him.

"She disrespected me and our entire house with her pure lack of care. I'm trying to be a good father to her but she's just not helping me out. I need to get to know her but she just won't let me." my dad cares about her a lot sadly. I've always wanted this kind of care from my father. He didn't even look mad at her he just looked burned by her actions.

The second the door fell onto the ground all of our faces became hard glares. It was an instinct, we weren't really mad at her and we wouldn't hurt her, we just always cover our emotions with hatred when anything happens. That's for everyone else. As for me, I didn't need to change my expression.

Questions raced through my mind as I saw the expression that rested on her face. She was scared shitless. I want to make her scared of me but not this much. Her head searched frantically for an escape, her eyes finally landing on a window. I knew what was going to happen but I didn't stop it. Why didn't I stop it?

She bolts for the window opening it in a matter of milliseconds. Her body jumps out, I can see her hair moving around in the wind, telling me she didn't fall. She was smart, she wouldn't just throw herself out of the window without a plan.

I headed to the window but I was too late. She was out of my reach. I saw her foot miss the pipe, the way her body didn't expect it to. She loses her grip on the wall. Her body slowly detached from the wall. Her hands fly around searching for something to latch on to, until finally, her body hits the cold hard ground. My entire family is looking at her now.

We're just watching as the life drains from her eyes. My sister, the one I cared so dearly for when she was two, is dying. I can't let that happen.

I won't let it happen.

Words 1477

This wasn't supposed to happen. My mind doesn't want to give her a brake. I swear she was just meant to get the rules, instead, she fell out of a window. Not exactly my plan. Oops.

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Dominique <3

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