23. 10 Rules to follow

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Meant to post this 13 hours ago oops.

Day 22

The sound of someone walking toward the office I was in, snapped my attention to the door. The office had two small chairs looking at one big one behind a desk. The same way a principal would arrange their office. There were two bookcases on both sides of the chair. Holding books and other things like certificates, awards and little statues that look oddly expensive. Behind the chair I was sitting on, was a black leather couch and a painting above it.

The handle of the door turned and Parker walked in. I don't know how I feel about being in an enclosed space with this man but what can you do? At least it's only him and not all 6 of the unreasonably strong men I'm supposed to call family.

They stalked over and sat on the chair in front of me. The big leather one. He was trying to assert dominance, maybe not with me, but with everyone who sat in his office. The chair made a checking sound as he leaned forward resting his elbows on the desk.

What is he doing? He looks stupid.

I look at him with an amused gaze. Not giving him the satisfaction of intimidating me. He looked surprised and if I'm being honest I would be surprised as well if I was him. I don't exactly have a great track record with them intimidating me. You know the whole window dilemma. Not my proudest moment.

"You're here to discuss rules. I was going to talk to you about this a week ago but- well you know." He motioned with his arms in the general direction of me and my head. Mhm, I get it. I jumped out of a window like one of those PARKOUR guys on top of buildings. (Had to be all caps.)

"Yeah, yeah. I flew out of a window like I thought I could fly." Thought I could change the analogy he doesn't seem like someone to uses social media, and probably wouldn't understand my reference. What's the point of a reference when no one understands it?

A light chuckle escaped Park's lips. The sound bounced off the wall as if the sound waves had never been heard in these walls. As if he had never laughed in this office.

"Now, I want you to listen to these rules because they're all very important and you are to never break these rules or else there will be consequences." Shitty Fucking Asshole, does he mean physical punishment? All over again? I knew I shouldn't have settled in. I shouldn't have eaten as much as I did.

Jumping out of a window again doesn't seem too bad.

Unfortunately, there is no window, something he probably did on purpose now that I think about it.

He must have sensed the panic rising within me as he furrowed his brows drawing them together into a light frown.

"What's wrong ma Cherie?" somehow, I have no clue how, that calmed me down. It made me feel at home. This is confusing as I never had one of those and I'm sure this place isn't one either.

"Nothing I'm fine. The rules?" I changed my face to a blank one void of all the emotions coursing through me at the moment. Fucking emotions are going to screw me over.

"Yes, well there are 10 rules that I would like you to follow, if you don't you will have extra chores or have your phone taken away, you can also be grounded." I let a sigh of relief leave my lips. Nothing physical. I'm ok.

"The first thing is to be respectful. It's not much to ask, I just want you to respect me and your brothers. We are your family and we understand that we haven't been with you for 14 years, but we just want to have you back into our lives." He was either telling the truth or telling a really good lie because I couldn't detect anything off with him. He wasn't showing any signs of discomfort or nervousness.

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