Characters pt2

194 3 0

Allie Vermette
Job: none, likes to volunteer at a children's hospital.
Age: 17
Favourite sibling: Marianne, friends when they were 2
Nickname: lie (but pronounced as lee)
Quote: I'm the girl everyone has been dreaming of since they were kids. (not an ass just the truth)

Jude Bernard
Job: none
Age: 7
Favourite sibling: Christian (his Dad)
Nickname: Juju
Quote: I'm cute and handsome at the same time.

Damien Vagar
Job: None (was born rich)
Age: 16
Favourite sibling: Marianne (doesn't like the others)
Nickname: Dame
Quote: Trust is a sacred item that I will never possess.

Bethany Rouir (another Stacy)
Job: Rich af boyfriend
Age: 16
Favourite sibling: Luca (likes him romantically.)
Nickname: Beth
Quote: Only I can call people a bitch because when I do, it's a compliment to everyone else.

(not doing the cousins because I'm lazy and they're not important. Other than Allie)

Might add more in the future but until then this is it.

Also, THANK YOU FOR 1k READS!!!! I didn't think this would do good at all but 1k is a lot and I'm really happy to be able to reach that milestone. Thank you guys so much!

Another chapter is on the way might post tmr or the day after we will see!

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