18. Am I dead?

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Day 15

The figure of someone standing right in front of me blinds me for a couple of seconds. The ray of light that pulsated out of her made her look like a god.  Am I dead? I don't feel pain, I must be then. I looked around to see light shining everywhere it was so bright. Too bright for my liking.

I thought hell would look worse than this. Isn't light heavens thing? Why would hell have this kind of blinding light?

Maybe my hell is blinding light? I do hate this.

Looking back at the person my eyes started getting used to the light. She was so pretty. I could only see her back, but her curly black hair looked so gorgeous. The skirt that she was wearing was highlighting every single one of her curves. If I were to choose someone to be friends with, it would be her.

She's awake! I heard someone shout from outside the room. Why is he being so loud?

She finally turned around and I saw the face of my cousin. Shit. I just checked out my cousin, again. It's not my fault she looks like an actual god. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Fuck my life.

"Hey," she said gently like at any moment I would try to run. I mean fair enough, I've tried, but obviously failed if you were to just look at where I am right now.

"You're really pretty." I immediately slapped my hands over my mouth cursing myself out in my head. Why the fuck did I say that? Am I on drugs?

When squinting at the bag of liquid I was connected to I was able to decipher the word Oxycodone. From years of using pain medication, I knew that I was on some strong shit.

When turning back to Allie I noticed a cute blush creeping onto her face. I smirk at her then look towards the door, hearing my brothers and Parker coming in like a herd of horses.

Small an
What the fuck does a smirk look like? Like actually how do people find it attractive? I'm going to put it in my story but wtf? 😏 how do you put this emoji on a face? I don't get it.

"Hey Parker, me and Anna aren't related right?" Allie questions suddenly. What does she mean? Isn't she my cousin? Her dad is my dad's brother?

"No, of course not. Your dad and I are just good friends. Where is this coming from? You do know your dad is black right and, I'm.. not?" wait, that means I wasn't sweet home Alabamaing my cousin! I mean I'm not gay I just admire other women. And she sure is admirable.

"Yes of course uncle sorry I wasn't thinking." she turns around and sends me a sly smirk, showing me that she knew exactly what she was doing. She also knew I checked her out. Oups.

Just like that, she left the room, leaving me with the six men. Luca held a cold look while the other's eyes softened when looking at me in the bed. I only fell out of a building, I'm fine. They don't need to pity the shit out of me now.

"How are you feeling my cherie?" Parker asked. He seemed genuinely interested in my answer but that could just be an act. He did look like he wanted to kill me when he walked into my room. I would know, I've seen it on my stepfather's face.

"I'm fine," I answered shortly. I don't want to say anything to anger any of them. If I keep my answers short, it's most likely that they will not find a problem with it. Cufusing me a little, Luca seemed to be madder that I didn't give a better answer. He seemed unsatisfied with it.

"No, your not. You jumped out of a window. A fucking window Marianne. You are not fucking fine. Why would you do that? We were checking up on you!" yeah I jumped out of a window. They looked like they were going to murder me if I stayed any longer than needed.

"You were checking up on me by kicking my door down? yeah, nice one. You looked like you were going to murder me so yeah I ran the fuck away." I think that's the longest I've ever spoken to them. Still, while scared shitless about what they were going to do to me after I said, that, I still stood my ground holding an unreadable look staring at the furious Luca.

"No, you don't get to play the victim here. You are a spoiled little bitch who can't take it when the attention isn't on her. You are acting like you're a hurt little child but I've asked around in your home town. Your not a scared little girl, you're a fucking bully. You bully people that are under you. You beat the shit out of everyone that dares to walk on your turf. And now, your pulling the same bullshit." Luca all but yelled in my face. Who the fuck said that? That person can go fuck themselves because, with this kind of lie, I don't think they will be getting anyone else to help them with it.

"Who told you that," I demanded with clenched teeth. My hand wrapped around the covers underneath me. Holding it in tight fists.

"I don't know some scared girl I think her name was Stella? Or maybe Sally? I don't know." he responded shortly after. Unsure why I was asking this.

"Stacy," I mumble under my breath, rage filling my entire body. Did she try to get me fucking hurt? I mean she probably did. Even when I'm leaving the country she has to try to have one last blow. Try to ruin my new life with my family.

I got up releasing my gains from all the needles and tubes connected to my body. Pushing my brothers out of the way I dash for the door. I just needed to cool down somewhere. The machines started beeping loudly and the next thing I knew a doctor was walking in.

"Ms. Bernard," the doctor stated. Before he could finish his sentence I interrupted him.

"Ms. Thibaut" I mumbled I don't want to be associated with these men just quite yet.

"Ms. Thibaut, you shouldn't be standing yet. You have a severe concussion and your ribs haven't fully healed." With a sigh, I go and sit back on the bed. All my brothers other than Benoit and Parker didn't know about my ribs I guess because they were all giving me confused looks.

"Can you boys leave the room, please?" Doctor Riles, I just read his name tag, asked. They all grumbled words under their breaths but left anyway.

"Ms. Thibaut, did you know you were pregnant?" he questions. We're going in for the blow write off the bat. God damn what happen to hello I'm your doctor. Going straight into your fucking pregnant at 15. Shit, did my brothers know?

As if he read my mind he said, "I didn't tell your family but, it is illegal for me to keep the information a secret from your legal guardian." fuck. My brothers are going to find out.

I quickly glanced at the door only to find 4 of my brothers minus Alex, standing there with their mouths wide open. I couldn't see Parker anywhere so I'm hoping he doesn't know, as for the others, a compromise is in order.

Words 1404


Sorry this chapter is a little boring, I just had a few things I needed to do beforehand. Also, now they know she is pregnant! That's always fun! Note the sarcasm.

I had a soccer tryout again this week but finally, after all that effort, I made p1 so that's good! I know you guys probably don't care I'm just proud of myself. I've also had basketball and badminton so that takes up a lot of time. I'm trying to write more but sports just keep taking up too much time.

Anyways how do you think they will react?

Hope you like the book! Once she goes to school things should start to pick up the pace but for now, this is what we're working with.

Make sure to comment & vote!

Makes it a lot more motivating to write when people comment so please don't be a silent reader.

Dominique <3

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