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Long ago the United States of America was a country of vast opportunity and promise.

And she still is... because America is still alive.

Nearly 1800 years ago the nation was among 200 others that existed on Earth. The first true democratic republic to exist. By the 21st century, it became the oldest surviving federation. By 2050 the US had complete control of North America after Canada joined them, buying Greenland and annexing Mexico and the Caribbean Islands. But by no means no country was perfect. Corruption, greed, and hunger for power all in time grew with the United States not being an exception to this. Many feared that war would come to the world.

Then it came.

By 2110 a war will change the face of planet Earth.

After M.E.D.U.S.A. or the Military Energy Department of the United States Of America created the first and operational quantum energy reactor in 2090, the government saw it fit that it would not be used as a weapon but as a warm light for all mankind. For 20 years, quantum energy catapulted humanity to new heights. Utilizing it to expand and conquer Earth's Solar System. However, not all saw it this way. America and its allies' enemies and their allies saw it as a way to assert their dominance to the planet and beyond.

By 2110, war happened. The Confederacy of Free Nations led by the US and its allies fought for the freedom of the planet while the Alliance of Greater Empires of Asia led by the Empire of the Russian Union and the Empire of Greater China and their allies as well sought dominance through dictatorship and tyranny. They fought the war with great ferocity. On the ground, the air, the sea, and beneath, and in the heavens, the war was fought. By 2115 when the war was near its end the A.G.E.A. decided...that there would be no winners. Quantum energy weapons, nuclear bombs, and other weapons of horror ravaged the planet destroying nation after nation in seconds. The US was spared due to their defenses taking out any weapon aimed at the nation but sustained damage as well. They managed to protect themselves, however, they could not save their allies in time. In retaliation, they deployed their weapons with vengeance in their hearts. But when they had done that, regret followed... The war was over but the cost...was Earth.

Continents shattered, nations reduced to rubble, billions of lives lost, and most of the planet destroyed with only the US standing in the aftermath. The US initiated rescue efforts to save as many survivors as possible. But what followed next was more horrifying. Natural disasters followed due to the effects of the WMDs released on the planet. Earthquakes cracked and sunk most of the other continents of the planet. Volcanic eruptions burned what was left and blocked out the sun. To save what remained of the human race, the US government evacuated everyone to underground cities called Bunker Cities or Mountain Cities built within the mountains of the mainland. Built by the US in the case of war in 2080 each city can house 2 million people using colonization technology to be used on Mars spread out the nation and are interconnected via armored maglev railways. As the oceans devoured most of the land and froze, the US and its people waited for it to end.

For nearly 200 years they lived like rats waiting for the effects of war to subside and surviving as best as they could. Harsh methods had to be placed with some violating the constitution and human rights but a necessary evil to preserve the nation and its people. By 2312 the planet began to normalize and the effects of war, healed. Descendants of the survivors breathed the fresh air, stepped on the soil for the first time, and got to work on rebuilding the nation. By 2342 the United States was rebuilt and the scars of war healed. Satellites were launched to see the extent of the damage to Earth...what they found was shocking.

There was nothing left but the North American continent and Antarctica. Sadness filled all of them. To ensure its security the Maginot Wall was created. A wall encircling the entire continent, 2 kilometers wide and 900 meters tall from the seabed to its top and equipped with defenses and barracks to house security forces numbering 800,000 combined with them all in charge of their zones. Mist generation facilities are also added concealing the US from the outside world.

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